Monday, June 23, 2014

Who Will Come To Jesus? (Part 2)

(John 6:44) "No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him.  And I will raise him up on the last day."  (ESV)

So who will come to Jesus?  Only those the Father draws to him.  No one can come to Christ unless God the Father draws him.  When Jesus says no one can come to me, it means that no one is able to come to him.  

People do not have the ability to come to Christ on their own.  All people are enslaved to sin, their will is in bondage to sin (total depravity).  People do not have the desire or inclination to come to Christ, they are unable to believe.  The Father must draw them and give them the desire and inclination to come to Jesus and trust in him.  God has to change people in order for them to become willing to believe.   

It is obvious that God does not draw all people to Christ to be saved.  All that he draws, he will raise up on the last day.  Only believers receive the resurrection to life.  All that the Father draws to Christ will be raised up on the last day.  Only those chosen by God will be saved.  Those not chosen or drawn by God will not be saved.  

Whoever wills to come to God can, but only those made willing by the Father will come to him and believe.  God chooses those whom he will save (unconditional election).  Those he chooses will come to him (irresistible grace).  It is efficacious grace, that is it brings about the desired result.  All those chosen by God the Father will believe in Christ.  They have been predestined to salvation by God who is absolutely sovereign.   

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