Monday, July 28, 2014

Understanding End Times Terminology

We hear much talk about the end times (what theologians call eschatology) but the terms used are not always clear to people.  So lets take a look at a few of the key terms.  

*Found in Revelation 20
*A millennium is 1000 years
*It refers to the 1000 year reign of Christ on this earth after the Second Coming.  
*Some view the 1000 years as literal while others see it as symbolic of an ideal time period.  
*Occurs after the Great Tribulation and before the new heavens and new earth.
*A time of great peace and righteousness.
A time when sin and sorrow are greatly reduced though not fully eradicated until the new heavens and new earth. 
*Some see it as symbolic of the church age and not a literal reign of Christ on this earth.  

Great Tribulation
*A 7 year period at the end of history.
*Some view it as a literal 7 years while others see it as a symbolic number.  
*God's wrath will be poured out, there will be intense persecution, and great trouble. 
*The Antichrist will arise during this time period.  

*It means to be caught up
*It refers to believers being caught up to be with the Lord.  

(Two different views of the rapture)
*(Pre) means before, so before the tribulation.
*This view holds that Christ will return before the tribulation to rapture his church.  
*This view holds that the church will not go through the Great Tribulation.  
*The rapture and the Second Coming are seen as separate events.  

*(Post) means after, so after the tribulation.
*This view holds that Christ will return after the tribulation to receive believers. 
*This view holds that the church will go through the tribulation.  
*The rapture and the Second Coming are seen as the same event.  

Monday, July 21, 2014

What's Wrong With America?

What has gone wrong with America?  What has happened to the country?  It has shifted from a Biblical worldview to a secular worldview.  The results of this shift are huge.  The thought and lifestyles of Americans have changed dramatically.  There has been a shift from God to the self.  

Many think the change started in the 1960's with the ban on prayer and Bible reading in the public schools.  But this was just the result of change that had already taken place.  The change really seems to have started in the late 1800's.  Men such as Marx, Darwin, and Freud had a negative effect on our country and world with their ideas.  Also the tide of theological liberalism swept into the United States in the late 1800's and early 1900's.  This cast doubt on the authority and reliability of the Bible.  Many denominations took liberal turns denying the inerrancy of Scripture and denying foundational doctrines of historic Christianity.  

With the shift from a Biblical worldview to a secular worldview the focus shifted from the God who is outside of us to our inner self, becoming our own god.  Our ultimate problem is no longer that we are sinners who are morally guilty before a holy God.  Instead we just have psychological problems that require a counselor.  We hear much talk about tolerance in our modern society.  In fact tolerance is the only virtue in modern America.  We have embraced moral relativism and there is no right and wrong.  There is no absolute truth that applies to everyone. Anyone making a truth claim will be labeled as being judgmental immediately.    

We can see the seismic shift in our society with the issue of homosexuality.  It has become widely accepted in modern America.  This would have been unheard of just a short time ago.  We have rejected the truth and become morally insane.  Even some "Christian" denominations now approve of homosexuality.  The reason for this can be traced back to their rejection of the authority of the Bible.  

The decline of America goes back to it's rejection of Biblical authority.  It must be said that the church itself has much responsibility for this.  The modern church is weak and fails to confront the culture with Biblical truth.  Rejection of Biblical authority leads to doctrinal confusion which leads to ungodly lifestyles.  America has rejected the God who is there.  We are in rebellion against him and face his judgment. Is it too late for our country?  I do not know, maybe it is too late.  Christians must pray and read, proclaim, teach and live the Bible because this is our only hope.  

Monday, July 14, 2014

What's Right With America?

We hear much today about the evils of America.  Liberals in Hollywood, academia, the news media, and government portray it as a terrible country.  They present it as historically evil and the problem of the modern world.  Even President Obama seems to have a negative view of America, seeing it as an oppressor.  First lady, Michelle Obama said she was proud of her country for the first time when her husband, Barack Obama was elected.  

On the other hand conservatives talk of American exceptionalism.  So is America exceptional?  Yes, if it is understood correctly.  America is indeed the exception and not the norm historically.  The freedom, prosperity, and high living standards in the United States are unprecedented.  In America the average person is well off.  Even the poor in the United States are much better off than the those in other countries.  Most nations throughout history have been ruled by tyrants or monarchs.  This is not so in the United States where there is a Constitutional Republic.  

But why is America an exceptional country?  Are Americans better than the people of other countries?  No, not at all.  It comes from the ideas and beliefs that form the foundation of the country.  America has had at least somewhat of a Biblical worldview as a foundation.  This has shaped the greatness of America.  The Biblical worldview has provided the form needed for the freedom we have in this country.  The problem with most countries is the foundation they are built upon.  

America's economic system has been capitalism.  It has provided unprecedented prosperity.  The free market system has done more to help the poor than socialism has ever thought about doing.  The free market system is the most beneficial to all people.  It has been said that capitalism is the unequal distribution of wealth while socialism is the equal distribution of poverty.  

It must be said that America is not a perfect country.  Things like slavery and segregation are terrible blots on the history of America and the West.  It must be pointed out that slavery did not begin with Western civilization but abolition did.  American foreign policy has not been perfect either.  But it has not been an aggressor taking over other countries even though it is a super power.  

Our founders who though not perfect were brilliant men who provided us with the best form of government, laid out for us in the U.S. Constitution.  A Republic based on a Biblical worldview has made America probably the greatest country in world history.  The nation has been greatly blessed by God.  

Monday, July 7, 2014

Who Will Come To Jesus? (Part 3)

(John 6:65) "And he said, This is why I told you that no one can come to me unless it is granted him by the Father."  (ESV)

In the preceding verses Jesus has just presented some hard teaching to his disciples.  As a result many of them have turned away from him.  In response Jesus says the reason for this, is that no one can come to him unless it is granted by the Father.  As in John 6:37 & John 6:44 Jesus stresses the absolute sovereignty of God in salvation.  Those who are false disciples will respond in unbelief while true disciples will respond in belief.  The reason why some respond in unbelief is that they have not been chosen by God.  

Only those chosen by the Father will come to Jesus.  They have been predestined for salvation in Christ (see Ephesians 1).  It is clear that not all people are granted the ability to believe.  The reason why some respond in unbelief is that they do not have the ability to believe.  People are dead in their sins and must be made alive by God in order to believe (see Ephesians 2).  

Our wills are not free but in bondage to sin.  This is contrary to what is usually taught in the modern church but it is the truth.  Left to ourselves we would never choose God, we would only continue in rebellion against him.  We only choose God after he has chosen us and brought us from being spiritually dead to being spiritually alive.  Those not chosen by God, who are not of the elect will continue in unbelief.  We see the reason why some people believe and others do not.  God chooses some for salvation while passing over others.  Salvation is totally by grace and is not dependent on man's decision, will, or effort.  

It must be pointed out that people are still responsible for believing in Christ or rejecting him.  All people are commanded to repent of their sins and place their faith in Christ alone for salvation.  But if God is absolutely sovereign how can man still be responsible?  They seem to be contradictory but the Bible teaches them both.  We finite humans are incapable of fully understanding the infinite God.