Monday, July 28, 2014

Understanding End Times Terminology

We hear much talk about the end times (what theologians call eschatology) but the terms used are not always clear to people.  So lets take a look at a few of the key terms.  

*Found in Revelation 20
*A millennium is 1000 years
*It refers to the 1000 year reign of Christ on this earth after the Second Coming.  
*Some view the 1000 years as literal while others see it as symbolic of an ideal time period.  
*Occurs after the Great Tribulation and before the new heavens and new earth.
*A time of great peace and righteousness.
A time when sin and sorrow are greatly reduced though not fully eradicated until the new heavens and new earth. 
*Some see it as symbolic of the church age and not a literal reign of Christ on this earth.  

Great Tribulation
*A 7 year period at the end of history.
*Some view it as a literal 7 years while others see it as a symbolic number.  
*God's wrath will be poured out, there will be intense persecution, and great trouble. 
*The Antichrist will arise during this time period.  

*It means to be caught up
*It refers to believers being caught up to be with the Lord.  

(Two different views of the rapture)
*(Pre) means before, so before the tribulation.
*This view holds that Christ will return before the tribulation to rapture his church.  
*This view holds that the church will not go through the Great Tribulation.  
*The rapture and the Second Coming are seen as separate events.  

*(Post) means after, so after the tribulation.
*This view holds that Christ will return after the tribulation to receive believers. 
*This view holds that the church will go through the tribulation.  
*The rapture and the Second Coming are seen as the same event.  

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