Monday, July 21, 2014

What's Wrong With America?

What has gone wrong with America?  What has happened to the country?  It has shifted from a Biblical worldview to a secular worldview.  The results of this shift are huge.  The thought and lifestyles of Americans have changed dramatically.  There has been a shift from God to the self.  

Many think the change started in the 1960's with the ban on prayer and Bible reading in the public schools.  But this was just the result of change that had already taken place.  The change really seems to have started in the late 1800's.  Men such as Marx, Darwin, and Freud had a negative effect on our country and world with their ideas.  Also the tide of theological liberalism swept into the United States in the late 1800's and early 1900's.  This cast doubt on the authority and reliability of the Bible.  Many denominations took liberal turns denying the inerrancy of Scripture and denying foundational doctrines of historic Christianity.  

With the shift from a Biblical worldview to a secular worldview the focus shifted from the God who is outside of us to our inner self, becoming our own god.  Our ultimate problem is no longer that we are sinners who are morally guilty before a holy God.  Instead we just have psychological problems that require a counselor.  We hear much talk about tolerance in our modern society.  In fact tolerance is the only virtue in modern America.  We have embraced moral relativism and there is no right and wrong.  There is no absolute truth that applies to everyone. Anyone making a truth claim will be labeled as being judgmental immediately.    

We can see the seismic shift in our society with the issue of homosexuality.  It has become widely accepted in modern America.  This would have been unheard of just a short time ago.  We have rejected the truth and become morally insane.  Even some "Christian" denominations now approve of homosexuality.  The reason for this can be traced back to their rejection of the authority of the Bible.  

The decline of America goes back to it's rejection of Biblical authority.  It must be said that the church itself has much responsibility for this.  The modern church is weak and fails to confront the culture with Biblical truth.  Rejection of Biblical authority leads to doctrinal confusion which leads to ungodly lifestyles.  America has rejected the God who is there.  We are in rebellion against him and face his judgment. Is it too late for our country?  I do not know, maybe it is too late.  Christians must pray and read, proclaim, teach and live the Bible because this is our only hope.  

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