Monday, October 13, 2014

Supreme Court Refuses Same Sex Marriage Cases

The U.S. Supreme Court has refused to hear cases brought by several states regarding their same sex marriage bans.  Lower courts have overturned the same sex marriage bans of the states.  This has the effect of allowing same sex marriage to be legal in all of the states.  Was the Courts refusal to hear the cases a bad thing?  Most likely the result would have been the U.S Supreme Court declaring a constitutional right to same sex marriage.  I would guess the vote by the Court would have been 6-3 or at best 5-4 in favor of it.  

Lets face it America is a nation of pagans.  The secular tide continues to roll and homosexual marriage will be legal in the United States.  Homosexuality is not seen as a sin against God.  It is seen as a normal lifestyle and something to be celebrated (see Romans 1:18-32).  How long will disapproval of homosexuality be tolerated?  Will Christians be convicted of hate crimes for holding Biblical beliefs?  It definitely seems that persecution is coming.  

The problem is one of worldviews, America is not a Christian nation.  True Christians are a small minority in the country.  Americans have rejected the Biblical worldview and have instead embraced a secular worldview.  The problems we face cannot be solved at the political or judicial level.  That only deals with the symptoms it does not go to the cause of the problem.  The problem is at the starting point people have.  They do not start with the Bible the Word of God, but start instead with secularism the word of man.  Starting from a faulty foundation they end up terribly wrong on issues such as same sex marriage.  Unless a Biblical worldview is recovered our nation will continue on the wrong track. 

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