Monday, October 6, 2014

Give Me That Me Centered Religion

"When you come to church, when you worship Him, you're not doing it for God really.  You're doing it for yourself, because that's what makes God happy."  
-Quote from Victoria Osteen, wife of Joel Osteen and co-pastor of Lakewood Church

Should I point out that women cannot be pastors?  Anyway Victoria Osteen does deserve credit for an accurate description of the Osteen's ministry.  It is all about the self and not about God.  In fact it is almost as if you yourself are god.  The main concern is that you are happy and feel good.  We certainly cannot be concerned about God and his holiness.  The great sin (I mean problem) is low self esteem.  

The ministry of Joel and Victoria Osteen is not true Christianity.  Dare I say that they are heretics?  They are false teachers proclaiming a false gospel.  The Bible says that if anyone preaches a different gospel let him be accursed (Galatians 1:8).  The Osteens proclaim a form of the prosperity gospel.  It is all about you and your happiness as well as having high self esteem. You must just think positive and the good life is yours.  

Of course this is in direct contradiction to the teaching of Jesus.  Jesus said that if you want to follow him you must take up your cross and deny your self.  As Bonhoeffer said Christ bids a man come and die.  Followers of Jesus are called to die to self while the Osteens tell their followers to focus on the self.  Of course the Osteens rarely mention Jesus or the cross.  Don't expect to hear anything about sin, judgment, holiness, wrath, or hell either.  These things just do not make us feel good.  

Unfortunately many Americans and others buy into the teaching of the Osteens.  They have thousands at their church and also sell millions of books.  They tickle people's ears and tell them what they want to hear.  Sadly many of those who are feeling good are on the road to hell.  Many in the modern church accept the Osteens as legitimate not seeing them as heretics to be rejected.  Joel Osteen is not a Christian pastor but simply a positive thinking guru.  I guess Victoria Osteen would be a co-positive thinking guru.  The lack of Biblical thinking and discernment allows false teachers like the Osteens to flourish in our modern society. 

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