Monday, January 26, 2015

The Christian Position On Abortion

Is a abortion really a big deal?  Is it just a woman's right to choose?  Are we talking about a fetus that is just a mass of tissue and not really a human being?  Or is abortion indeed wrong because it is the murder of an unborn baby?  

A heartbeat develops by the 24th day after conception.  There are brain waves as early as 45 days after conception.  At 8 weeks it possesses unique finger prints.  It appears to be clear that this is a baby, a real human being.  

What does the Bible teach about it?  Man was created in God's image (Genesis 1:26-27).  All people have value because they were created in the image of God.  God is the creator of life, all humans belong to him.  The Bible teaches the sanctity of human life. All humans should be treated with respect and dignity.  Life begins at conception, the unborn baby is an actual human life.  The Bible clearly teaches that abortion is wrong (Psalm 139, Jeremiah 1:4-5, Luke 1:44, Exodus 20:13).  God's judgment comes on those who murder unborn babies (2 Kings 8:12, Amos 1:13).  

The early church also opposed abortion.  The early Christian document, the Didache (written around A.D. 100) condemns the murder of a child by abortion or infanticide.  The early church was also known for rescuing and adopting children.  

But what about the feminist argument that a woman has the right to do what she wants with her own body?  First of all it is not just her own body the baby is a separate human being.  And people do not have the right to do as they wish with their own body.  You are not your own you belong to God.  

It gets down to a question of authority.  Who is the ultimate authority, God and his Word or you and your opinion?  The pro choice, feminist movement is simply rebellion against God and his Word.  

All people need to submit to God and his Word as the ultimate authority.  God is God and you are not.  We must view life as God does. The pro choice position is a position of unbelief.  The Christian position on abortion is pro life.  

It must be pointed out that the men involved need to be real men and take care of the children they have fathered.   They should also stop fathering children outside of marriage!  

What about the women who have already had an abortion?  While abortion is a sin there can be forgiveness.  Those who repent of their sins and place their faith in Christ will be saved from their sins.  The death of Jesus on the cross paid for all of the sins of those who believe in him.    

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