Monday, January 19, 2015

Who Was Jan Hus?

Jan Hus lived from (1372-1415).  The name Jan is pronounced like Yon.  He lived in Bohemia which is the modern day Czech Republic.  Hus became a priest in 1401.  He taught at Charles University and preached at Bethlehem Chapel.  He was greatly influenced by John Wycliffe (1329-1384).  

Jan Hus believed in the ultimate authority of Scripture instead of the ultimate authority of the Pope.  Hus proposed translating the Bible into Czech.  The Roman Catholic Church only allowed it to be translated into Latin. Hus also believed in preaching the Bible to the congregation.  Hus taught that only God can forgive sins and condemned the sale of indulgences.  He also preached against some of his fellow priests who were corrupt.  

Standing against the corruption and erroneous teachings of the Roman Catholic Church did not make Hus popular.  His challenges to the Catholic Church got him into trouble.  The case against Jan Hus was sent to Rome.  Hus wished to go to Rome in order to defend his views.  He was never allowed to make a defense of his teachings.  Hus was tried and condemned as a heretic by the Roman Catholic Church.  Hus refused to recant his views.  Then he was burned at the stake.  

Jan Hus was a Christian martyr and hero of the faith.  He was a forerunner of the Protestant Reformation.  He attempted Biblical reform of the Roman Catholic Church.  A century later Martin Luther would take his stand on these very same ideas.  The Reformation would not be stopped by the Roman Catholic Church.   

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