Monday, February 9, 2015

Obama, Islam, And Christianity

At the recent National Prayer Breakfast President Obama warned Christians not to get on their high horse and criticize Islam.  Obama brought up the Crusades and slavery as atrocities done in the name of Christ.  President Obama refuses to link terrorism with Islam.  He believes that Islam is a wonderful, peaceful religion.  Some even think that Obama is a Muslim.  While I do not think he is a Muslim, he is sympathetic to Islam.  

Obama actually professes to be a Christian.  He seems to hold to Liberation theology which is nothing more than Marxism with Christian language.  In fact Liberation theology is not Christianity at all.  It was taught by Barack Obama's former pastor Jeremiah Wright.  Liberation theology is all about the oppressed and the oppressors.  Of course Obama sees Islam as the oppressed and historic Christianity as the oppressor. 

On the issue of slavery there were some people who tried to justify it in the name of Christianity unfortunately.  But Obama fails to point out that the abolitionists were Christians.  It must also be pointed out that slavery did not begin with the Christian West but abolition did.  

So what about the Crusades?  They were started in 1095 by the Roman Catholic Church. The Crusades actually started as a defense against Muslims.  Islam had conquered the Middle East centuries before.  The region had been a Christian center.  But the Christians were driven out, enslaved, or killed by the Muslims.  Muslims later moved northward toward Europe to take over Christian lands. So to a certain extent the Crusades can be justified as a defensive act.  But there were also atrocities committed by the Crusaders.  In actuality the Crusaders forsook the teachings of Christ and adopted Islamic theology.    

Islam originally spread by the sword starting with Muhammad.  Others were conquered in order to have them submit to Islam.  You had to convert to Islam or be enslaved or killed. The Muslim claim on the land of the Middle East is obviously bogus.  They took it by force from others.  It appears that Islam owes an apology to Christians and the West. 

Some think that all religions are the same but they are not.  Islamic terrorists are simply following the teachings of Muhammad and the Koran.  While the atrocities of the Crusaders were not the teachings of Christ or the Bible.  While we must point out that not all Muslims are terrorists, Islam is not a wonderful, peaceful religion.  Islam is a false religion that leads many people astray. Truth and reality are found in Christianity. Those who want peace must look to Jesus who is the Prince of Peace.       

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