Monday, February 23, 2015

Does Poverty Cause Terrorism?

President Obama seems to think that poverty is a cause of terrorism.  It certainly would not be caused by a wonderful, peaceful religion.  If the guys in ISIS and other terrorist groups just had job opportunities they would probably give up terrorism.  If anyone knows how to create jobs it is President Obama.  

President Obama seems to think that the grievances of the terrorists need to be addressed.  We see his Marxist worldview shining through once again.  After all the terrorists have been oppressed by America and the West.  The wealth of the United States and the West needs to be redistributed to them.  

President Obama and other secular liberals do not see Islamic terrorism as the serious threat that it is.  They cannot even identify it as Islamic.  They think the real threat of our time is global warming.  

But Islamists are just plain evil and must be dealt with.  The Islamists ideology comes directly from the Koran.  This is not politically correct to say but it is true.  If you look into the Koran it is not hard to see why they kill Christians and Jews and anyone else they disagree with.  The Islamists seek to impose sharia law on everyone.  

The real problem behind terrorism is not poverty.  The real problem is Koranic Islam with it's teachings.  They need to embrace the truth of the Bible and be set free from their false religion.   

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