Monday, July 20, 2015

Bruce Jenner, ESPN, And The Secular Agenda

ESPN recently honored Bruce Jenner (Yeah, Bruce not Caitlyn) with a courage award at the ESPY'S.  In actuality they honored a man for pretending to be a woman.  This is an abomination to God (Deuteronomy 22:5).  Jenner is a very confused person who is in rebellion against God.  Bruce Jenner was created as a man and not as a woman.  Jenner does not need to be applauded and celebrated, instead he needs to be helped and confronted with the reality of his sin.  He needs the truth of God's Word. 

Previously ESPN had pushed Michael Sam, the first openly homosexual football player to be drafted by the NFL, as part of their secular agenda.  They even had to show Sam and his partner kissing.  In reality Michael Sam was not that good of a football player.  He was probably only drafted because he was a homosexual.  ESPN and other sports media were over the top in their support for Michael Sam.  Again ESPN was celebrating someone who was living a sinful lifestyle.  Homosexuality is also an abomination to God (Leviticus 18:22, Romans 1:18-32).  

ESPN basketball analyst, Chris Broussard once spoke out against homosexuality on the network.  An apology from ESPN soon followed. I wonder how Broussard managed to keep his job at ESPN.  In a recent telecast of ESPN's NFL pregame show, analyst Keyshawn Johnson took the Lord's name in vain.   None of the panel seemed the least bit bothered by it, not even those who profess to be Christians. 

Not surprisingly ESPN did not issue an apology for Johnson's remark. 

ESPN is owned by Disney a very secular and liberal company.  It will continue to push the secular liberal agenda.  There is a distinctly anti-Christian worldview at ESPN. The ESPY'S award show has become an embarrassment.  ESPN has become a promoter of sinful lifestyles, setting itself against God.     

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