Monday, August 3, 2015

Your Own Personal Jesus

In modern America there are many different views of Jesus and most of them are wrong.  People have a tendency to make him like themselves.  In effect they create their own personal Jesus.  We will look at some of the different views on the modern American landscape.  

The Jesus Of The False Religions
False religions usually view Jesus as a prophet or good teacher, someone who offers good advice or provides a good example to follow.  He is seen as just a man and is not the Messiah or the Son of God.  The false religions deny that Jesus died on the cross as a sacrifice for the sins of his people.  They also deny his resurrection from the dead.  Jesus is not seen as Savior because people must earn their own way to heaven or something like heaven.  The Jesus of the false religions is of course a false Jesus.  

The Jesus Of Liberalism
Liberalism denies the supernatural, seeking to reconcile Christianity with modern secularism.  It denies miracles such as the virgin birth and the resurrection.  Jesus is no longer God or the Messiah.  He is just a good teacher who is a good example to follow. Liberals do not emphasize the need for personal salvation but instead focus on the social gospel.  They often speak of social justice which tends to mean socialism.  Liberals see man as basically good and deny the doctrine of total depravity.  In Liberalism there is no hell, wrath, or judgment.  Liberals tell us that Christianity is life and not doctrine.  They have denied the authority of Scripture and created a false Jesus.  

The Jesus Of Traditional America
Traditional America tends to wrap Jesus in the American flag, making it seem as if being an American patriot and a Christian are one and the same.  The Christian life becomes nothing more than living the American dream. It is about nice houses, nice families, and a life of comfort and ease.  This view has tended to emphasize morality over theology.  But without the Christian theology the Christian morality falls.  Traditionalists tend to make the family the ultimate priority.  But Jesus said he came not to bring peace but a sword and members of families will be turned against one another. This view tends not to emphasize Jesus' call for radical, costly discipleship.  This view is a distortion of the real Jesus.   

The Jesus Of The Prosperity Gospel
The prosperity gospel is popular among charismatics.  You find prosperity preachers all over television talking about sowing the seed.  Of course you must send your money to the prosperity preacher in order to activate the blessing that God is obligated to give you.  If you just have enough faith health and wealth will be yours.  In the prosperity gospel Jesus exists in order to give you things.  It is not about holiness but instead it is about your happiness.  The focus is on this world and accumulating the things of this world.  It is about living your best life now.  The Jesus of the prosperity gospel is also a false Jesus.  

The Jesus Of Postmodern America
This group tends to be primarily composed of the millennials (those born from 1980-2000) but also includes many from other age groups. In this view Jesus is basically just a counselor or coach.  You do not exist for him instead he exists for you.  He is not God who makes demands and is not the Lord to whom you must submit.  He is just there to help you through your problems.  This Jesus just emphasizes being nice and tolerant.  He will not confront people with their sin and there is no judgment, wrath, or hell to worry about.   The Jesus of postmodern America is also a false Jesus.  

People tend to make Jesus into their own image.  They end up creating their own personal Jesus.  Those looking for the real Jesus need to turn to the Bible because our view of him has eternal consequences.       

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