Monday, May 15, 2017

Should The Bible Be Taught In Public Schools?

The typical evangelical says without hesitation that yes indeed the Bible should be taught in public schools.  But have we really thought this through?  Do we really want unbelievers teaching the Bible?  If the Bible is taught in public schools will they even get it right?  Have we ever considered that a major problem might be government schools in the first place?  

If the Bible was taught in public schools they would not get it right.  They would not teach it as true, the literal Word of God.  They would teach it as mere literature and of course not true.  The Bible is literature but it is far more than that.  It is the very Word of God: authoritative, inerrant, infallible, and sufficient.  

Why do we think government schools are a good idea in the first place?  The government should have no control over what children are taught.  Do we really want government run Bible teaching?  Better solutions would be private schools and home schools.  

The government has no business being involved in education at all.  In private schools and home schools individuals and not the government would be in control of what is taught.   There the Bible could be taught as truth, the Word of God.  The entire school curriculum could be taught from a Christian worldview.  This would be a much better alternative than the current mess we have with the public schools.  

But is this even financially possible?  If Christians used their money more wisely it might be.  It might require us to stop living the life of luxury and actually make sacrifices.  

We must also point out that instead of looking to the public schools, parents and churches should do a much better job of teaching the Bible to children.   After all we are not exactly overrun with Bible scholars. 


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