Monday, May 8, 2017

When Atheists Call Christians Hypocrites

The charge of hypocrisy is sometimes leveled 
against Christians by atheists.  Christians are accused of not living what they say they believe.  We must point out that not all professing Christians are true Christians.  Also, most Christians have never claimed to be without sin.  But it is true that even true Christians do not keep the law of God.  This is also kind of the point of Christianity because no one is capable of keeping the law of God (See Romans 3:23).  We are all sinners in need of a Savior.  Salvation is found in Christ alone.  

But we actually have a bigger problem than Christian hypocrisy.  The atheist believes hypocrisy is wrong but he has no basis for even believing hypocrisy is wrong.  In atheism God is not there so there is no ultimate authority or absolute standard by which to make a judgment.  There is no ultimate authority to define right and wrong or good and evil.  The atheist simply has no foundation on which to build a system of morality.  

When the atheist refers to hypocrisy as wrong he is not living out his atheism consistently.  Atheism cannot be lived out consistently, it is impossible to do because it does not fit reality.  In order for the atheist to accuse the Christian of hypocrisy he must step out of his atheistic worldview and borrow from the Christian worldview.  

So when the atheist charges the Christian with hypocrisy he ends up refuting his own atheism.  The atheistic worldview is inconsistent, contradictory, and unlivable.  It is self refuting and therefore proven to be a false worldview.  

On the other hand the Christian worldview has a basis for calling hypocrisy wrong.  It is the law of God.  (Exodus 20:16) "You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor" (ESV).  The Christian worldview is consistent, coherent, non-contradictory, and livable.  The Christian worldview is proven to be the true worldview. 

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