Monday, May 14, 2018

Nietzsche Says God Is Dead

Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900) was a German philosopher who proclaimed, "God is dead and we have killed him."  Of course he did not really believe that God had been alive and had died.  He simply meant that the concept of God was no longer needed.  Other famous Nietzsche phrases include, "What does not destroy me will make me stronger", and "Live dangerously."  The idea that you only live once has roots in Nietzsche.  Friedrich Nietzsche also had an intense hatred for Christianity.  

Friedrich Nietzsche has been very influential even down to our own time.  He could be considered the father of nihilism which holds that there is no morality, no virtue, no purpose, and no meaning.  At least Nietzsche tried to be consistent with his atheism.  Because without God, nihilism is all that is left.   He could also be considered a leading figure in postmodernism which holds that there is no absolute truth and no ultimate standard of morality.  

Some key concepts from Nietzsche include the will to power, the herd morality, and the superman.  Nietzsche considered the will to power to be the fundamental force of life.  It was basically looking out for number one and not caring about those who are weak.  It was really the will to overpower.  He believed the herd morality was created by the weaker people out of fear in order to hold down the stronger, superior people.  Nietzsche blamed Christianity for creating this herd morality.  Finally the superman speaks of superior individuals who are courageous, throw off the herd morality and create their own values.  The supermen would be something like the next step in the evolution of man.  Nietzsche believed that Christianity was holding back humanity.  

Of course one might ask how the supermen could create their own values if there are no values?  If there is no meaning or purpose, how can the philosophy of Nietzsche have any meaning or purpose?  If all is meaningless, then everything Nietzsche said is also meaningless!  There would be no reason to listen to Nietzsche or to follow his teaching.  Nietzsche ends up in total absurdity, which is what always happens when you reject God.   Without the triune God of Scripture you have no basis for rationality, knowledge, meaning, or morality.  

Interestingly Friedrich Nietzsche spent the last decade of his life insane.  Then in 1900 God said, Nietzsche is dead.    

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