Monday, December 9, 2019

Books On Creation And Evolution

How old is the earth?  Are the creation days literal 24 hour days?  Were Adam and Eve literal, historical people?  Was the Flood global or local?  Should Genesis 1-11 be interpreted literally or allegorically?  These books will provide understanding and answers to these questions.  

The Battle For The Beginning by John MacArthur

Six Days by Ken Ham

Four Views On Creation, Evolution, And Intelligent Design edited by J.B. Stump 

Monday, November 11, 2019

Proverbs 16:33 (Short Commentary)

(Proverbs 16:33) "The lot is cast into the lap, but its every decision is from the LORD."  (ESV) 

Even the casting of the lot or the roll of the dice is determined by the Lord.  Things that appear to just happen actually operate under the sovereignty of God.  There is no such thing as luck or chance.  God is in absolute control of all things.  

Monday, October 28, 2019

American Secularism, LGBTQ, And Christianity

Secularism is the non-religion, religion.  Secularists believe either that God does not exist or that a god exists but is basically irrelevant.  Recent polls show that 25% of Americans now identify as "nones" having no religious affiliation.  While 65% of Americans still identify themselves as Christians.  It should be obvious that 65% of Americans are not really Christians.  Many of those who profess to be Christians think and live as though God does not exist.  Secularism is especially prevalent among Millennials and Generation Z. Secularists think they are advancing the cause of humanity but are actually leading to the destruction of the nation.

We can see the advance of secularism particularly in the area of marriage and sexuality.  Homosexuality, transgenderism, and living together are now seen as normal.  A Biblical view of marriage and sexuality is now seen as abnormal and out of touch.  Secularists think they are advancing sexual liberty but are really leading people into the bondage of sin.  

The LGBTQ agenda is promoted in areas such as government, business, and the entertainment industry.  Of course the government redefined marriage to include people of the same sex.  The Democrat Party fully embraces the LGBTQ agenda while many in the Republican Party also give their approval.  Many businesses now promote LGBTQ in the name of diversity and inclusion but ironically never promote Christian beliefs.  Of course the entertainment industry is thoroughly secular, leading the way in promoting the LGBTQ agenda and other sinful lifestyles.  

Of course Christianity stands in the way of the advance of secularism with it's claims of absolute truth and moral absolutes.  God is the ultimate authority so right and wrong are determined by him.  This is why secularists have sought to undermine the authority of the Bible, the church, and the family.  Secularism denies the existence of absolute truth.  Of course this is contradictory because when you say there is no absolute truth you make a statement of absolute truth. So secularism actually ends up refuting itself.  

The great virtue in secularism is tolerance and secularists are tolerant until you disagree with them.  One only needs to oppose the LGBTQ agenda to see great intolerance by secularists.  Many secularists are totalitarians who will gladly enforce their agenda on you.  

Christians need to look at America more as a mission field than a battlefield.  The ultimate issues are spiritual and not political.  The problems go much deeper than the political level.  They go to the level of the worldview held by a person.  The foundational beliefs a person holds determine the way he views everything else.  Christians need not fear because truth and reality are on their side.  Secularists cannot escape the fact that they are made in the image of God and must live in God's world.   

Monday, October 21, 2019

Jeremiah 17:9 (Short Commentary)

(Jeremiah 17:9) "The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick; who can understand it?"  (ESV) 

Maybe just following your heart is not such a good idea after all.  The word "heart" refers to the will and emotions.  This verse speaks of what is known as total depravity.  This does not mean that we are as bad as we can possibly be.  It means that our entire being is corrupted by sin.  People are not basically good, they are sinful. 

Monday, September 23, 2019

Why Should I Care About Theology?

Many people including many professing Christians find theology boring.  Frankly the reason they find theology boring is because they are bored with God.  The liberals of old proclaimed Christianity is life not doctrine.  Unfortunately many modern evangelicals seem to echo those sentiments.  

Theology is basically the study of God.  Theology comes from two Greek words, "theos" meaning God and "logos" meaning word.  We might define theology as knowledge of God or knowing God.  Theology involves us learning to think God's thoughts after him.  

While the liberal slogan that Christianity is life not doctrine is untrue, the reverse is also not true.  Christianity is life based on doctrine.  True love for God involves a desire to know God and to know about him.  Theology is necessary to live a godly life.  We must know what God is like, what he desires, what he loves, what he hates, what he thinks.  Our ultimate purpose is to glorify God and this is impossible without knowledge of God.  

(Matthew 22:37, quoting Deuteronomy 6:5) "And he said to him, You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind."  (ESV)

We are to love the Lord our God with all of our being including our mind.  Being anti-intellectual is not pleasing to God and mindless emotionalism does not honor him.  We must love God with our mind in order to glorify him.  

We can know God because he has revealed himself to us.  He is there and he is not silent.  There is general revelation (the world) and special revelation (the Bible).  General revelation involves creation, the conscience of man, and our sense of morality. We all have a sense of the divine.  God's eternal power and divine nature are plain to everyone.  But general revelation is limited in what it reveals to us about God.  

God is more fully revealed to us in special revelation.  We learn much more specifically about God from the Bible.  We know God in a more personal way through the Scripture.  There we find man's problem and God's solution (the gospel).  In the Bible we discover truth and reality.  Our minds are set straight and we see things as they really are.  As we learn to think God's thoughts after him we should also grow in holiness.  

True worship, devotion, godliness, and morality must be based on sound theology.  So anyone who loves God and desires to glorify him must care about theology.    

Monday, August 26, 2019

Genesis 1:1 (Short Commentary)

(Genesis 1:1) "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth."  (ESV)

This is the foundation for everything else.  The phrase "the heavens and the earth" means everything.  So God created everything, he created out of nothing.  God is the Creator and everything else is the creation.  Everyone and everything is dependent upon God, he is not dependent upon anyone or anything.  There is one God who is sovereign, omnipotent (all powerful), and majestic.  God is God and we are not.  Ultimately if we do not get this right we will not get anything else right.  

Monday, June 3, 2019

North Korea And Christianity

The people in North Korea are under a false religious system known as Juche.  This system was developed by Kim Il Sung who is the grandfather of Kim Jong Un.  In Juche the North Korean people are required to worship Kim Il Sung and his family.  

Kim Il Sung sought to rid North Korea of Christianity by putting Christians in prison and getting rid of Bibles.  He then replaced it with the false religion known as Juche.  The "trinity" in Juche is Kim Il Sung, his wife, and son.  Since 1948 North Koreans have been forced to worship these false gods.  In fact all North Koreans must hang a picture of Kim Il Sung in their home.  

Today Kim Jong Un is basically seen as a god. Of course he is a false god.  Christianity is a great threat to the Kim family and the Juche religion.  This is why the North Korean regime is so hostile to Christianity.  They do not want the North Korean people to hear the truth of the gospel.  North Korean leaders refer to Christian evangelists as "spies seeking to recruit other spies."  

The only hope for the people of North Korea (and all people everywhere) is Jesus who is the Christ, the Son of God.  They need to turn away from their false gods and turn to the one true God.  

For more information click on 

Monday, April 15, 2019

You And God

Many people today seem to be confused about who they are and who God is.  A correct understanding of this matter is of the utmost importance.  You cannot know who you are if you do not know who God is.  So we will look at some truths about you and God.  

God is God and you are not.

God is the Creator, you are the creation.  

You are dependent on God, he is not dependent on you.  

God is in control of all things and you are not.  

God is all powerful and you are not.  

God judges you, you do not judge God.  

You must answer to God, he does not answer to you.  

You are accountable to God, he is not accountable to you.  

God knows all things and you do not.  

God is the ultimate authority and you are not.  

God is the source of truth, you are not.  

Right and wrong are determined by God, not by you.  

God is holy and you are sinful.  

Salvation is the work of God alone, it is not you and God working together.  

In salvation God chooses you, you do not choose him.  

The glory belongs to God alone, he does not share the glory with you.  

God is God and you are not!  

For a correct view of God and ourselves we must turn to the Bible which is God's revelation to us.  Only then will you see clearly who God is and who you are.  

Monday, March 11, 2019

Books About God And His Control Of Things

Is God in control of all things?  Do things just happen?  Do all things really work for good?  Who does what in salvation?  Is salvation the work of God or the work of man?  Why does evil exist?  Does God ordain evil?  The following books will help provide answers to these questions and more.  

The Potter's Freedom by James R. White

The Invisible Hand by R.C. Sproul

Still Sovereign Edited by Thomas Schreiner & Bruce Ware 

Why Is There Evil In The World? by Greg Welty