Monday, April 27, 2020

A Biblical/Theological View Of the COVID -19 Pandemic

We have basically been presented with a naturalistic view of the coronavirus pandemic.  Naturalism denies the supernatural and believes this world is all that exists.  Many people (including many professing Christians) are practical atheists.  They do not call themselves atheists but they live as if God does not exist.  In reality God is there and he is in control of all things.  

While we have tended to look at the COVID-19 pandemic as a purely naturalistic phenomena, it is not.  Things do not just happen.  Nothing comes to pass that is not ordained by God.  If things just happen then God would be less than God.  God is not the author of evil but he ordains all things that happen including the coronavirus.  God is the primary or ultimate cause of COVID-19 but he is not the secondary or proximate cause of it.  

The virus exists as part of God's plan and purpose.  Through the evil of the coronavirus God is bringing about a greater good.  We may not be able to understand it because finite humans cannot fully comprehend the infinite God.  We live in a fallen world that is under the sin curse and things like the coronavirus occur.  It is also something God is using to conform his people to the image of Christ.  

The ultimate purpose of all things including the coronavirus is to glorify God.  Christians need not fear death because heaven awaits all those who trust in Christ alone for salvation.  

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