Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Tear Down Statues Of Jesus?

Some protestors have recently advocated tearing down statues of Jesus.  While the phrase "black lives matter" is true, the Black Lives Matter organization is based on Marxism and postmodernism.  In this way of thinking Christianity is seen as the oppressor and some have even referred to it as "the white man's religion." Of course neither of these things is true.  The Black Lives Matter movement is founded on a false worldview.  

So, what if I told you that these protestors were actually right about removing statues of Jesus (though for the wrong reasons)?  You see statues of Jesus are actually a violation of the second commandment.  

(Exodus 20:4) "You shall not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth." (ESV) 

I believe a statue of Jesus is definitely a carved image.  The prohibition of images would apply to all three members of the Trinity.  Any kind of image or representation of God tends to become a false idol.  God is the Creator and he cannot be confined to any representation by the creation.  The first commandment deals with who is to be worshiped and the second commandment deals with how God is to be worshiped. 

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