Friday, January 28, 2022

Transgender Kids And Sports

A controversial issue in our modern society is whether someone born as a male who has "transitioned" to being a female can play sports on a girl's team.  The fact that we have such a controversy shows just how foolish our society has become.  We have confused kids being led astray by adults who have no clue.  

What we have seen in our modern culture is a shift from a Christian worldview to a secularist worldview.  Of course secularism is rooted in unbelief.  At the root of the transgender debate is the question of authority.  Is your gender determined by you or by God?  Do you recognize God as God or do you try to be your own god?  

We do not know who we are because we do not know who God is.  God is the ultimate authority, not us.  God is the Creator, we are the creatures.  If you were born as a male, you are a male.  If you were born as a female, you are a female.  You are who God created you to be.  Unbelief always end up in absurdity such as the idea of transgenderism.  It is simply rebellion against God.  

(Genesis 1:27)"So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them."  (ESV)  

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