Monday, April 15, 2013

A Case Against Big Government

So what is the problem with big government?  The real problem is the sinfulness of humanity.  People cannot be trusted with too much power.  Power tends to lead to corruption because people are prone to do what is wrong. 

The more people depend on government the more power and control politicians have.  This is exactly what many in the political arena want.  People often complain about the money in politics, but the reason there is so much money in politics is that government is involved in too many things.  If you want to get the money out of politics then you need to get the government out of many of the things it currently does. 

Big government eventually tries to take the place of God.  The government tries to be all things to all people.  Freedom of religion cannot be allowed because it will be seen as a threat to government control.  The freedom of religion and freedom of speech will soon disappear.   The Soviet Union and Nazi Germany should serve as warnings to us.  Dictatorships, fascism, socialism, communism, and totalitarianism must all be resisted and avoided. 

People tend to trade freedom for a supposed security and they end up with neither.  The loss of freedom leads to a loss of creativity and the loss of our ability to use our God given gifts.  The government cannot end poverty, cannot run health care, and cannot run retirement programs.  The truth is that the government cannot solve our problems no matter what it claims. 

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