Monday, April 8, 2013

Here In Post Christian America

The United States is now a post Christian nation.  It is made up of a mix of secularism and paganism.  America was never a Christian nation as some think of it, because there is actually no such thing as a Christian nation.  I simply refer to the Christian heritage and roots of the United States.  But today there is great indifference and even hostility to Christianity.  The church is basically seen as irrelevant.  So is something strange going on?  Actually it is not strange at all because Jesus told his followers to expect persecution. 

Our modern culture is characterized by immorality, selfishness, greed, love of money, drunkenness, drug use, profanity, hatred, blasphemy, and idolatry.  These are all characteristics of people who are spiritually dead.  So what is the answer to our problems here in America?  Many people seem to think it is the government.  But government and politicians will not save us.  Christians should be involved in politics and take stands on issues, but the government cannot change people's hearts. 

Much of the blame for the state of our nation belongs on the modern church.  The church in America is weak and wants to soft pedal the Biblical message.  Did you ever notice that Jesus and the apostles never soft pedaled the message?  But the modern church lacks confidence in the Bible and is not willing to take stands that go against the culture.  It proclaims a weak gospel that seldom mentions things such as sin, repentance, judgment, wrath, hell, and the fear of God.  The gospel it preaches is man centered and not God centered.  This gospel produces many false converts and leaves many people deceived.  Salvation is the work of God and is found only in Jesus. 

Christians must become Biblical in their life and thought.  They must proclaim and live the whole message of the Bible.  The church is in bad need of reform and this must happen before people and the culture change.  Christians should view America as a mission field because that is what it is.  Jesus is the only hope for Americans and all people. 

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