Monday, April 1, 2013

The Case Against Same Sex Marriage

So here we are in post Christian America debating whether or not to legalize homosexual marriage.  Most of the arguments we are hearing in favor of traditional marriage seem somewhat weak.  This is because they adopt the assumptions of secularism.  They adopt the secularist doctrine that God must be absent from the public square.  If marriage has no standard definition, then basically anything goes.  If homosexuals can get married then why can't polygamy also be legalized?  Or how about two men and three woman?  If it is just a matter of opinion and personal feelings all of these things must be accepted. 

Without an authoritative definition of marriage, it becomes meaningless.  When marriage is rendered meaningless then society suffers.  The family is the basic unit of society, and it is founded on marriage between one man and one woman.  Also if same sex marriage is legalized what will become of religious liberty?  If someone says it is a sin will they be charged with a hate crime? 

But when we look to the God who is there we find that his original intent in creating marriage was one man and one woman for life (Genesis 2:24).  We also see that he considers homosexuality an abomination (Leviticus 18:22), and unnatural (Romans 1:26-27). 

In fact Romans 1:18-32 indicates that the practice and acceptance of homosexuality is a sign of moral disintegration and the breakdown of society.  It also indicates that this is a sign that a society is under the judgment of God.  The real problem is that we have exchanged the truth about God for a lie (Romans 1:25).  All this results from our rejection of the one true God, and our practice of idolatry. 

Same sex marriage will probably become legalized in our entire country eventually as the tide of secularism and paganism sweeps across the land.  All of this will result in the eventual destruction of our country.  Christians and conservatives must stand against it.  We must stand strong and proclaim the truth even if it is not popular.

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