Monday, June 17, 2013

Big Brother Watching You

Recent scandals such as those of the IRS and NSA show the dangers of big government.  With access to so much information people in the government cannot be trusted.  A government with too much control and power is frightening. 

The temptation to misuse information and power is too great for people.  This applies to all people not just to those of one political party.  This is true because of the sinfulness of mankind. 

Conservatives and Libertarians have been given a great argument for small government and tax reform.  Our government should be limited, returned to that of the U.S. Constitution.  The people should have freedom and with that freedom comes responsibility. 

We should have serious tax reform and eliminate the ridiculous tax system we currently have.  We should replace our current system with a flat income tax or a sales tax.  It is interesting to note that God only requires one flat rate of 10% on the tithe.  Those with more money do not have a higher rate for their tithe.  The class warfare of the progressive tax system is not Biblical.  A flat tax or a sales tax would make much more sense. 

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