Monday, June 24, 2013

The Sad State Of Pop Culture

So what do you listen to, watch, and read?  Music, television, movies, and books all influence people and shape the culture.  It is important that we understand pop culture and the influence it has on us.

Unfortunately much of modern pop culture is nothing more than a flood of debauchery.  It is filled with immorality, profanity, blasphemy, lack of dignity, and lack of respect for authority of any kind.  It is also characterized by being shallow and not serious.  It is a window into a society that is in rebellion against God. 

We should be aware that all forms of pop culture present their own worldview.  It is usually an anti-Christian worldview that is put forth in what we watch, listen to, and read.  God is often assumed not to exist or is mocked. 

The worldview of modern pop culture can be placed in three categories.  First there is an overarching secularism.  It puts man as the center of everything and allows him to pretend to be his own god.  Secularism can be called the non-religion, religion.  Then there is postmodernism.  It is characterized by a rejection of all absolute truth claims and an uncertainty about all things.   You often hear postmodernists telling us not to judge.  Finally there is nihilism.  It is characterized by a rejection of religious and moral principles.  With nihilism's rejection of religion and morality comes meaninglessness and a lack of purpose. 

When it comes to pop culture we should use discernment.  To be discerning means to be able to distinguish between good and evil, right and wrong.  Unfortunately discernment seems to be in short supply these days even among those who profess to be Christians.  Often professing Christians entertain themselves with things that are offensive to God.  We should seek to honor God in all we do, including our interaction with the popular culture. 

So should Christians avoid pop culture altogether?  No, we should be involved in the culture and try to make things better.  Christians should use the gifts God has given them  all areas of life.  We should be in the world but not of the world.  Also Christians must stand for truth and virtue even though we are in a culture that honors neither of them.

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