Monday, June 10, 2013

Proofs That God Exists

From what you often hear you would think that the evidence for the existence of God is weak and that the evidence for atheism is very strong.  But is this actually true?  What are some of the proofs for God?  

First of all there must be an uncaused cause.  The atheists can say this caused this and this was caused by that but at some point there had to be an independent Creator who has always existed.  Evolutionists run into the problem of how things actually began.  They have to explain how something came from nothing.  And guess what, atheists cannot explain how something came from nothing because something does not come from nothing.   

There is also the fine tuning of the world.  It is all fine tuned to work just right.  If anything was off just a little bit it could not work or exist.  This suggests intelligent design by an intelligent Designer.  The complexity of human beings offers more evidence for the existence of God.  Just the eye itself is amazingly complex.  That the eye and humans themselves could just happen by a blind process of natural selection is unbelievable. 

The world we live in also seems to have been made for humans.  It's as if someone planned this whole thing.  The world is just right for our existence.  This too is more proof that the world was created by God. 

There is also the longing for meaning and purpose that exists inside human beings.  If God does not exist then there is no purpose or meaning.  It is hard to see how we would have these longings if we were just the products of evolution.  The rational conclusion is that our desires for meaning and purpose were put there by a Creator.  We only find fulfillment when we are in a right relationship with God. 

Another proof is the universal existence of morality.  In basically all cultures there is a sense of morality.  Things such as murder, adultery, theft, and lying are pretty much seen as wrong by everyone.  If God did not exist there would be no morality.  There has to be an ultimate authority for there to be morality.  If God did not exist all things would be permissible.  Atheists have no basis for right and wrong. 

Around 90% of people in the world believe in God or gods.  This provides evidence as well that God really does exist. All these people may not have the correct belief about God because our views have been distorted by sin.  But this is evidence that we all have a sense that God is there.  It is logical to conclude that this sense of the divine was put there by God himself. 

The existence of evil also offers proof that God exists.  This may sound strange because the existence of evil seems to be one of the atheists strongest arguments.  But in reality the atheist defeats his own argument.  If there is no God then there is no evil.  Without the existence of God there is no basis for the category of evil.  The atheist has no way to be consistent and still speak of evil. 

The evidence is for the intelligent design of the universe.  Reason leads us to conclude that there is an intelligent Designer.  Those who deny the existence of God are delusional.  Atheism requires a huge leap of blind faith.  Reason leads us to belief in God.  The entire universe screams out God exists! 

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