Sunday, August 25, 2013

The Battle For America

There are two basic worldviews competing in modern America.  They are the Christian worldview and the secular worldview.  The gulf between the two perspectives is enormous.  They have very different views on society, culture, marriage, and the family.  Also this divide goes much deeper than politics. 

First, the Christian worldview sees God as the ultimate authority and the Bible as his Word.  Man is to submit to God and obey him.  In the Christian worldview there is absolute truth and there is right and wrong.  Man was created by God and made in his image.  It also see man as sinful not basically good.  The sinfulness of man is the reason for limited government and the system of checks and balances in the U.S. Constitution.  A Biblical worldview is need for the Constitution and our government to function.  The Christian worldview also sees marriage as between on man and one woman.  And the family as created by God is the basic unit of society. 

In contrast the secular worldview sees man as the center of all things.  Man is the ultimate authority and not God in this view.  Secularists hold to evolution instead of creation by God.  They view man as basically good and think that progress is inevitable.  They think man can accomplish anything he wants.  Secularism holds that there is no ultimate truth or right and wrong.  They see the Christian worldview, U.S. Constitution, and traditional America as the problem.  They seek to keep the Christian worldview out of the public square.  Secularists also seek to redefine marriage and the family.  They hope to create a dramatically different society. 

In reality the secular worldview has become the established religion of the United States.  It dominates the public square.  Secularism reigns in the government, media, pop culture, universities, schools, and the workplace.  Secularism is accepted as normal in modern American life.  It is the way most Americans live, even many professing Christians. 

But can a secular worldview sustain the American republic?  In my view the answer is no.  It will collapse with a secular foundation.  So what is our hope?  Electing the right politicians and returning to the Constitution is not enough.  The Constitution requires a Biblical worldview to support it.  Our problems are much deeper than politics.  Our problems are moral and spiritual.  We could be past the point of no return, I don't know.  Our only hope is for a great revival.  The people must turn to God and honor him.   If this happens even unbelievers will be influenced by it. 

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Does John 3:16 Disprove Calvinism?

(John 3:16) "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life." (ESV)

This verse if often cited by opponents of Calvinism as if it somehow disproves Calvinism.  I am astonished that so many Arminians think this. 

The word world does not refer to every single person in the world, but even if it did it would not disprove Calvinism.  To hear that God so loved the world would have been somewhat of a shocking statement for 1st century Jews.  The term world includes Gentiles as well as Jews. 

Arminians also seem to think that the phrase "whoever believes" somehow disproves the Reformed view.  But this could not be further from the truth.  No Reformed evangelical disagrees with the statement that whoever believes will be saved.  Calvinists agree whole heartily with what John 3:16 says. 

John 3:16 is basically just a summary of the gospel.  It does not say who will believe or why people will come to Christ.  John 3:3 tells us that one must be born again to see the kingdom of God.  John 6:37,6:44,6:65 all tell us who and why people will come to Jesus. 

Using this verse to try to disprove Calvinism is definitely an overreach by Arminians.  They try to make it say things it does not say.  Also they often distort the actual teachings of Reformed theology.  All true Christians agree that whoever believes in Jesus will have eternal life.  Those who reject Jesus will perish at the judgment and spend eternity in hell. 

Monday, August 12, 2013

Unity Where Possible, Truth At All Costs

"Unity where possible, truth at all costs" is a quote from Martin Luther (1483-1546).  Luther led the Protestant Reformation which was a recovery of Biblical truth.  Those of us today would do well to emulate Martin Luther in many ways.  We need men like Luther who are willing to stand for the truth no matter what the costs. 

Unfortunately in the modern church and society most are not willing to stand for the truth.  They just seek to get along and view the truth as unimportant.  Many are just concerned about their own comfort and convenience.  Their are even those who deny the existence of truth as well as the existence of right and wrong. 

Many are unwilling to speak the truth in the public square.  Many people, even many Christians are unwilling to take a stand against homosexuality.  Some think as long as Christians are allowed to preach the gospel we should keep quiet about controversial issues.  But the gospel may be the most controversial issue of all.  It will only be a matter of time before they will try to stop it as well. 

People must be confronted with the reality of their sin and their need of a savior.  Unpopular truths must be proclaimed.  Society must be told that Jesus is the only way to heaven.  We must tell the culture that Christianity is true and all other religions are false.  We must tell them that God created the world and everything in it.  Christians must teach that the Biblical creation account is true and evolution is false.  We must be willing to accept the costs of proclaiming the truth though.  It will make us unpopular.  We will also face ridicule and persecution. 

The truth has fallen on hard times even in the church.  Many are more worried about unity than they are about the truth.  For example Biblical Christians cannot be united with Roman Catholics, Mormons, the Emergent church, or those who hold to liberal theology.  Our ultimate concern must be the truth.  After all Jesus is the truth (John 14:6).  We must speak the truth with love though.  Our reason for proclaiming the truth should be love of people and love of God. 

Those speaking the truth these days are often called judgmental.  The modern church is worried about offending people.  It should be worried about offending God.  Jesus and the apostles often offended people with the truth.  Unity is a good thing but it must be unity in the truth.  Unity for the sake of unity is no good. 

Monday, August 5, 2013

Is Love All You Need?

The Beatles told us all you need is love and asked if we had heard the word is love.  For the Beatles and the 1960's counter culture love became a god.  When you reject the one, true God you will always have to find a substitute.  Love is a wonderful thing but it can't substitute for God himself.  God is love but love is not God.  Love is actually one of the characteristics of God.  By the way, actually the Word is Jesus (John 1:1). 

Many people today believe in a god who just loves them and approves of whatever they do.  Of course this is love as defined by them.  Their god doesn't judge or make any demands of them.  There is no moral code for them to follow.  There god wouldn't send people to hell or display wrath, and sin is no big deal.   They are right in saying their god wouldn't do these things because he couldn't.  He could not do these things because he does not exist.  Their god is made up by them.  In reality they are trying to be their own god. 

In the modern church many only want to talk about the love of God.  They do not want to offend people, they only want to please them.  True love for God and people means we must speak the truth.  People must be told of the reality of their sin and that it incurs the wrath of God.  God must be presented as he really is.  He is sovereign, holy, majestic, supreme, and a judge.  He is loving and merciful as well but we must have a complete view of God.  We must accept God as he has revealed himself to us in the Bible.  God showed his love for us most of all when he sent Christ to save his people from their sins.