Sunday, August 25, 2013

The Battle For America

There are two basic worldviews competing in modern America.  They are the Christian worldview and the secular worldview.  The gulf between the two perspectives is enormous.  They have very different views on society, culture, marriage, and the family.  Also this divide goes much deeper than politics. 

First, the Christian worldview sees God as the ultimate authority and the Bible as his Word.  Man is to submit to God and obey him.  In the Christian worldview there is absolute truth and there is right and wrong.  Man was created by God and made in his image.  It also see man as sinful not basically good.  The sinfulness of man is the reason for limited government and the system of checks and balances in the U.S. Constitution.  A Biblical worldview is need for the Constitution and our government to function.  The Christian worldview also sees marriage as between on man and one woman.  And the family as created by God is the basic unit of society. 

In contrast the secular worldview sees man as the center of all things.  Man is the ultimate authority and not God in this view.  Secularists hold to evolution instead of creation by God.  They view man as basically good and think that progress is inevitable.  They think man can accomplish anything he wants.  Secularism holds that there is no ultimate truth or right and wrong.  They see the Christian worldview, U.S. Constitution, and traditional America as the problem.  They seek to keep the Christian worldview out of the public square.  Secularists also seek to redefine marriage and the family.  They hope to create a dramatically different society. 

In reality the secular worldview has become the established religion of the United States.  It dominates the public square.  Secularism reigns in the government, media, pop culture, universities, schools, and the workplace.  Secularism is accepted as normal in modern American life.  It is the way most Americans live, even many professing Christians. 

But can a secular worldview sustain the American republic?  In my view the answer is no.  It will collapse with a secular foundation.  So what is our hope?  Electing the right politicians and returning to the Constitution is not enough.  The Constitution requires a Biblical worldview to support it.  Our problems are much deeper than politics.  Our problems are moral and spiritual.  We could be past the point of no return, I don't know.  Our only hope is for a great revival.  The people must turn to God and honor him.   If this happens even unbelievers will be influenced by it. 

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