Monday, August 12, 2013

Unity Where Possible, Truth At All Costs

"Unity where possible, truth at all costs" is a quote from Martin Luther (1483-1546).  Luther led the Protestant Reformation which was a recovery of Biblical truth.  Those of us today would do well to emulate Martin Luther in many ways.  We need men like Luther who are willing to stand for the truth no matter what the costs. 

Unfortunately in the modern church and society most are not willing to stand for the truth.  They just seek to get along and view the truth as unimportant.  Many are just concerned about their own comfort and convenience.  Their are even those who deny the existence of truth as well as the existence of right and wrong. 

Many are unwilling to speak the truth in the public square.  Many people, even many Christians are unwilling to take a stand against homosexuality.  Some think as long as Christians are allowed to preach the gospel we should keep quiet about controversial issues.  But the gospel may be the most controversial issue of all.  It will only be a matter of time before they will try to stop it as well. 

People must be confronted with the reality of their sin and their need of a savior.  Unpopular truths must be proclaimed.  Society must be told that Jesus is the only way to heaven.  We must tell the culture that Christianity is true and all other religions are false.  We must tell them that God created the world and everything in it.  Christians must teach that the Biblical creation account is true and evolution is false.  We must be willing to accept the costs of proclaiming the truth though.  It will make us unpopular.  We will also face ridicule and persecution. 

The truth has fallen on hard times even in the church.  Many are more worried about unity than they are about the truth.  For example Biblical Christians cannot be united with Roman Catholics, Mormons, the Emergent church, or those who hold to liberal theology.  Our ultimate concern must be the truth.  After all Jesus is the truth (John 14:6).  We must speak the truth with love though.  Our reason for proclaiming the truth should be love of people and love of God. 

Those speaking the truth these days are often called judgmental.  The modern church is worried about offending people.  It should be worried about offending God.  Jesus and the apostles often offended people with the truth.  Unity is a good thing but it must be unity in the truth.  Unity for the sake of unity is no good. 

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