Monday, August 5, 2013

Is Love All You Need?

The Beatles told us all you need is love and asked if we had heard the word is love.  For the Beatles and the 1960's counter culture love became a god.  When you reject the one, true God you will always have to find a substitute.  Love is a wonderful thing but it can't substitute for God himself.  God is love but love is not God.  Love is actually one of the characteristics of God.  By the way, actually the Word is Jesus (John 1:1). 

Many people today believe in a god who just loves them and approves of whatever they do.  Of course this is love as defined by them.  Their god doesn't judge or make any demands of them.  There is no moral code for them to follow.  There god wouldn't send people to hell or display wrath, and sin is no big deal.   They are right in saying their god wouldn't do these things because he couldn't.  He could not do these things because he does not exist.  Their god is made up by them.  In reality they are trying to be their own god. 

In the modern church many only want to talk about the love of God.  They do not want to offend people, they only want to please them.  True love for God and people means we must speak the truth.  People must be told of the reality of their sin and that it incurs the wrath of God.  God must be presented as he really is.  He is sovereign, holy, majestic, supreme, and a judge.  He is loving and merciful as well but we must have a complete view of God.  We must accept God as he has revealed himself to us in the Bible.  God showed his love for us most of all when he sent Christ to save his people from their sins. 

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