Monday, February 24, 2014

Not Peace, But A Sword (Matthew 10:34-39)

(Matthew 10:34) "Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth.  I have not come to bring peace, but a sword." (ESV)

These words of Jesus may sound shocking to some people.  It may not fit with the Jesus they have created in their own minds.  The Jesus of the Bible often tells us tough things we do not want to hear.  Of course there is a sense in which Jesus does bring peace.  Most importantly he gives those who believe in him peace with God.  God's wrath is turned away from his followers, they are no longer enemies of God because of sin.  Jesus is also called the Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6).  He will ultimately bring true, everlasting peace with the new heavens and new earth.  

But in the immediate time period their will not be peace in this world.  We live in a fallen world that is under the sin curse.  There will be conflict between those who believe in Jesus and those who do not, it is inevitable.  Christians and non Christians are going different directions.  Christians seek to obey God, while unbelievers live for themselves.  Of course Christians are on the road to heaven while unbelievers are on the road to hell.  In this world Christians will face conflict, persecution, and even death. Believers will even find conflict within their own families (Matthew 10:35-36).  There will be conflict in homes, schools, workplaces, and throughout the public arena. 

Jesus demands absolute devotion from his followers.  He must be more important to us than all of our other relationships, even those of our families (Matthew 10:37).  Disciples of Christ must take up their cross and follow him (Matthew 10:38).  Christians must die to their self and self will.  They must surrender to God's will, even to the point of death.  And whoever devotes his life to Christ will receive eternal life (Matthew 10:39).    

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