Monday, February 10, 2014

Truth In A Postmodern World

The western world largely embraces postmodernism.  We live in a culture that rejects the idea of absolute truth and holds to moral relativism.  There is ultimately no right or wrong and no authoritative truth.  Postmodern people seek to be autonomous and reject authority.  No judgments are to be made about them or their behavior.  All opinions are seen as equally valid and anyone insisting on truth is seen as trying to impose his beliefs on others.  The only virtue in a postmodern world is tolerance.  

But are the postmodern children actually tolerant themselves?  Wouldn't tolerance require you being tolerant even of the intolerant?  In reality those who always talk about tolerance are rarely tolerant of those they disagree with.  Those disagreeing with them are quickly labeled bigots or some other unflattering name.  They also try to silence those they disagree with.

Is postmodernism even a livable belief system?  Postmodernists would of course reject the notion of a belief system.  It is actually not possible for a society to be sustained by moral relativism and rejection of truth.  It is intellectual suicide to hold to these beliefs.  When a person says there is no truth he makes a statement of truth.  Postmodernism ends up being self refuting.  No person can consistently live by moral relativism it is simply not possible.  Postmodernism does not fit reality, it goes against the world as it actually is.  Ultimately all people know there is right and wrong.  Things such as murder, stealing, and lying are known to be  wrong by almost all people.  

At the heart of postmodernism is the rejection of God.  They reject his authority and do not want to submit to him.  People do not want to be confronted with the reality of their sin.  They suppress the truth of God and instead try to be their own god.  They wish to elevate the self as the authority.  We often hear postmodernists telling us not to judge because they do not want to face the reality of their sin or deal with the God who is there.  

In reality the God of the Bible is there.  One God in three persons (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit).  He is the Creator who made all things.  The world and all that is in it belongs to him.  Without God there is no meaning or purpose for life.  Humans must face the reality that God exists.  We must face the reality of our sinfulness and that it cannot be tolerated by a holy God.  Because of sin we face the wrath of God.  God sent his Son to save his people from their sins.  On the cross Jesus took the sins of his people on himself.  He takes our sins and we receive his perfect righteousness as our own.  Jesus was raised from the dead victorious over sin and death. His resurrection also offered proof that he was the Son of God.  All people need to repent of their sins and trust in Christ alone for salvation.  Everyone knows God exists, we all have a sense of the divine. All people must face truth and reality.    

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