Monday, February 3, 2014

Should The Republican Party Abandon The Social Issues?

Everyone from moderates to Libertarians seem to think that Republicans should abandon the social issues and just focus on economic matters.  A conservative view on the social issues tends to be controversial and unpopular in our current culture.  Many among the Republican establishment would like to see social conservatives leave the party.  In recent decades the Republican Party has been somewhat open to a Christian worldview.  On the other hand the Democrat Party seems to be hopeless with it's decidedly anti Christian worldview.  The Republican Party seems to be the best way to go for those who hold a Biblical worldview. 

Abortion is certainly a hot button issue.  Those opposed to it are accused of being against women and even waging a war on women.  In reality those who favor abortion are waging a war on unborn babies.  We often hear the phrase "abortion rights", but murder is no one's right.  A society with legalized abortion is not a strong society, it is one that cheapens the value of life.  

Another controversial social issue is that of same sex marriage.  It is definitely not popular to oppose homosexual marriage in our current political climate.  Those opposing it are going against the cultural tide.  Marriage is defined by God as one man and one woman, and we cannot change that definition.  When we try to redefine it we end up destroying the family. When you destroy the family you destroy society, and when you destroy society you destroy the country.  

So what should be the approach of the Republican party on the social issues?  If it seeks the betterment of society then it should take a strong stand on the social issues.  If it just desires the approval of the politically correct crowd then it should forget the social issues.  If a certain popularity is achieved, but the culture ends up destroyed what victory has been accomplished?   

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