Monday, May 19, 2014

Beware Of Bad Theology In Family Friendly TV Shows

Family friendly television shows are viewed as being safe.  It is considered good wholesome entertainment.  After all there is no sexual immorality, bad language, or graphic violence.  But some views presented in these shows are not in line with Biblical Christianity.  

One example of this is "The Waltons".  The television series ran in the 1970's and was set in the time period of the 1930's and 1940's.  It was a clean family show.  But what about the religious teaching of the show?  The Walton family attended church but the father, John Walton rejected the church. When confronted by his believing wife he says he is a good person and that is enough. He worships God in his own way.  His wife ends up agreeing with him and everything is okay.  

We are also taught on the Waltons that becoming a Christian does not mean confessing that you are a sinner.  It simply means accepting the Lord.  But if someone is not a sinner he has no need for a savior.  It misses the whole point of Christianity.  And no one is good enough to get to heaven. All people are sinners who fall short of God's standard.  Unfortunately the television series presents liberal theology. And liberalism is not Biblical Christianity. 

Another example would be "7th Heaven".  This series ran during the 1990's and the 2000's. It was family friendly and basically clean especially for the time period.  The show was about the Rev. Eric Camden and his family.  Camden was more like a social worker than a minister.  The show taught traditional morality but had little Biblical content.  

In the series the oldest son marries a Jewish girl and converts to Judaism.  At first Rev. Camden and his family are troubled.  But they eventually accept it and everything is fine.  After all, all religions are the same and all roads lead to heaven.  In one episode the son's father in law, a Jewish Rabbi presents a sermon at Rev. Camden's church.  Never mind that Judaism rejects Jesus as the Messiah and the Son Of God.  Later on Rev. Camden's daughter becomes a minister.  Even though the Bible clearly teaches that women are not to be church pastors.  

Even in family friendly television shows we must be aware of bad theology.  Not surprisingly what comes out of Hollywood is usually theological liberalism and not Biblical Christianity.  We must be careful when we watch these shows because they tend to make the views they promote seem normal, while making Biblical Christianity seem abnormal.  There is a strong need for discernment when watching television.         

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