Monday, May 12, 2014

Jars Of Clay Singer Rejects Biblical Christianity

Dan Haseltine lead singer of the Contemporary Christian Music group Jars of Clay has embraced homosexual marriage.  He says he has never been given a compelling reason to oppose it.  How about because God says it is a sin?  God calls it an abomination, unnatural, and says that those who live that way will not inherit the kingdom of God (Leviticus 18:22, Romans 1:26-27, 1 Corinthians 6:9-11).  Haseltine said he does not care about what the Bible says is wrong.  He just wants to focus on loving and caring.  Haseltine also said he was tired of trying to uphold evangelical beliefs.  

It is obvious that Dan Haseltine does not believe the Bible is the Word of God.  He does still claim to be a Christian though.  He just wants to focus on love and the things he likes.  Haseltine has simply embraced theological liberalism.  And liberalism is not Christianity at all.  Theological liberals do not believe the Bible is the literal Word of God without error.  They are not willing to reject Christianity even though they do not believe the Bible.  Liberals should be honest and renounce Christianity.  

Jars of Clay achieved much success in CCM and in the secular arena.  In 1995 the song "Flood" was a very big hit.  They were even referred to as the Christian Beatles.  But now after the remarks by Haseltine some Christian radio stations are rejecting them. Many of their fans are no longer their fans. We can only hope that Dan Haseltine repents and turns to God.    

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