Monday, May 12, 2014

ESPN Pushes Homosexual Agenda In Your Face

Openly homosexual Michael Sam was picked by the St. Louis Rams in the 7th round of the NFL draft.  He was the first homosexual drafted by the NFL.  7th round picks are not expected to have much success in the NFL.  But that did not stop ESPN and others in the sports media from heaping endless praise on Michael Sam.  He has gotten more attention than any of the 248 players selected ahead of him.  This is all because the secular liberal sports media wishes to push the homosexual agenda on all of us.  

During the draft ESPN had cameras covering Michael Sam at his home.  We got to see Michael Sam and his partner (a very feminine man) hugging and kissing continually.  ESPN could not show it enough.  This perversion was on display for the entire world to see. It was one of the most disgusting things I have ever seen.  Of course the gang at ESPN thought this was great.  They could not stop praising Sam for his great courage in living a sinful lifestyle.  ESPN commentators and other sports media people thought it was one the great moments in sports history.  When in reality it was one of the saddest moments in sports history.  

ESPN and the rest of the secular liberal sports media are proud when they should be ashamed.  No one is allowed to speak out against this perversion either.  The NFL and the sports media will shut that person down. A Miami Dolphins player said something negative about the Michael Sam spectacle and now he will be going to a reeducation camp. Secular liberals are behaving more and more like totalitarians.  Anyone opposing them  must be silenced, especially Christians.  One wonders how long it will be before this blog post is considered a hate crime.

Even President Obama chimed in on the Michael Sam spectacle calling it an important step forward in the history of our country.  Obama and his fellow secular liberals could not be more wrong.  It actually shows that we are a country in rebellion against God.  Our nation is promoting a sinful lifestyle that God hates. America has exchanged the truth about God for a lie.  We are morally insane.  We have become a nation of fools.  How long before God pours out his wrath on us?  

(Read Romans 1:18-32)       

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