Monday, September 29, 2014

Are You A Good Person?

Most people would consider themselves to be a good person.  They would say the good outweighs the bad and they are basically a good person.  Even many of those in prison would still consider themselves basically good.  Is this really the case?  Lets take a look at some of the Ten Commandments and see if we are actually good people.  

Have you ever lied in your entire life?  The answer will be yes for all of us except for those who are lying.  A person who tells lies is called a liar.  Have you ever stolen anything in your life, even the smallest of things?  Most, if not all of us would have to say yes to this one also.   A person who steals is called a thief.  Have you ever taken God's name in vain?  This includes using his name as a cuss word as well as using it in an empty or careless way.  Every time someone says "oh my god" they are guilty of breaking this one.  We have probably all broken this one at some time or another.  This is called blasphemy.  

Have you ever looked at a woman with lustful intent?  Jesus said that if you look at a woman with lust you have already committed adultery with her in your heart.  We would have to answer yes to this one.  Have you ever had unrighteous anger or hatred toward someone?  We probably have all done this.  Jesus said if we have done this then we are guilty of murder.   

So after looking at some of the Ten Commandments we have been found to be liars, thieves, blasphemers, adulterers, and murderers.  If God judges you by the Ten Commandments (his standard) will you be innocent or guilty?  The answer should be obviously guilty.  When we are judged by God's standard we are not found to be the good people we think we are.  We try to compare ourselves with other people and you can always find someone who is worse than you are.  There are none who are righteous and all have sinned against God.  We do not deserve to go to heaven but instead we deserve hell.  Because of our sinfulness we are under the wrath of God.  So what is the answer to our problem?

The solution is Jesus Christ.  God sent his Son to save sinners.  He died on the cross to pay for the sins of all who believe in him.  He was raised from the dead victorious over sin and death.  Jesus lived a perfect life without sin and his perfect righteousness is credited to all who believe in him.  People must repent of their sins and trust in Christ alone for salvation.  Jesus is the only way to heaven.  

Scripture References
Exodus 20
Matthew 5
Romans 3

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