Monday, December 1, 2014

America's Atheist Foundations

I thought America was a Christian nation.  There really is no such thing as a Christian nation, although in the early days of the United States there was somewhat of a Biblical worldview.  It has slowly faded and modern America is definitely not a Christian nation.  So what has caused America to move away from the Biblical worldview?  There have been many philosophers and thinkers who have influenced America and the West to abandon a Biblical worldview in favor of an atheistic worldview.  

Karl Marx was an atheist who hated God and Christianity.  He was the father of socialism and communism.  Marx saw communism as a great utopia.  It was his own humanist version of heaven.  The Soviet Union put Marx's ideas into practice and it was hardly a utopia.  Central to Marxism was the abolition of private property which is of course in contradiction to the teaching of the Bible.  In socialism or communism the government becomes a god.  The people are to look to it for all of their needs.  Marxism presents a materialistic worldview denying the spiritual.  It is all about class struggle,  the oppressed and the oppressors.  The modern grievance culture comes straight from Marx. Of course Marx is adored by academia, his teaching is advocated by many in the colleges and universities.  The Democrat Party has been greatly influenced by the ideas of Karl Marx.  Marx has had much influence in politics and economics but also in fields such as theology.  Liberation theology is basically nothing more than Marxism with Christian language.  One of the most well known adherents to Liberation theology may be President Barack Obama.  

Next there is Charles Darwin who was an atheist who hated God and Christianity.  Darwin came up with the theory of evolution,  the atheistic theory of origins.  It has been said that Darwin made it comfortable to be an atheist.  Since the world was no longer created by God, man did not have to deal with his law and judgment.  We just evolved from molecules to ape-like creatures to humans.  Man was no longer created in the image of God as his special creation.  Humans were no longer special or valuable, it was just the survival of the fittest.  Humans just happened there was no real purpose or meaning for them.  Darwinism is taught in the schools and universities as fact and no one is allowed to disagree with it.    

Then there was Friedrich Nietzsche who also was an atheist who hated God and Christianity.  Nietzsche was the philosopher who told us God is dead.  From the teachings of Nietzsche came nihilism.  Nihilism is the rejection of religion and morality as well as meaning and purpose.  If you do not think nihilism has taken hold in modern America just listen to the music and watch the movies and television shows.  Nietzsche knew that when the Christian theology falls the Christian morality will soon follow.  This of course led to moral relativism which says there is no absolute truth.  

Finally there is John Dewey who of course was an atheist who hated God and Christianity.  Dewey was the father of the modern public education system.  He was an advocate of socialism and pragmatism.  Pragmatism is concerned with whether something seems to work, not if it is actually right or wrong.  Dewey sought to rid the church and parents from the education system.  He wanted the state in control of education.  With the church and parents out of the way the state could teach your children the ideas of Marx, Darwin, and Nietzsche. 

Marx, Darwin, Nietzsche, and Dewey all have had a major influence on America and the West.  They all hated God and wanted to get rid of Christianity from society.  I wonder why they hated God so much if he does not even exist.  Modern America does indeed have atheistic foundations.  You can see it by the way people think and live.  We have rejected the God who is there and have exchanged the truth for a lie.    

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