Monday, December 15, 2014

The Atheist Has A God

Doesn't atheism reject the existence of God?  So how can you say atheists have a god?  They have simply declared themselves to be god.  The atheist rejects the God of the Bible because he wants to be a god himself.  

The atheist wants to be the ultimate authority over himself.  He does not want to be told what to do or how to live.  But people trying to be their own god creates problems.  There ends up being no ultimate authority.  After all why does one person's opinion matter more than that of someone else?  You end up with moral relativism, there is no ultimate right or wrong.  

Atheism has no basis for truth, reality, ethics, purpose, or meaning.  The atheist cannot live his life consistently according to his worldview.  He must contradict himself, he has to borrow from Christianity in order to live his life.  

We were created by God for God.  When a person rejects the one true God he will always try to find a substitute.  The atheist simply tries to substitute himself.  Atheists do not hate God because he does not exist, they hate God because he does exist.  They suppress the truth by unrighteousness.  God's existence is obvious to all, they are without excuse.  Atheists have exchanged the truth about God for a lie (See Romans 1:18-25).  

All people should face the reality that the God of the Bible exists.  The creation itself and the design of our world point to his existence.  Biblical Christianity provides the only basis for truth, reality, ethics, purpose, and meaning.  

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