Monday, December 29, 2014

The Best New Year's Resolution Ever

The best New Year's resolution ever would be to align your thinking and life with the truth.  The truth comes from God, he is the truth.  God has revealed himself to us in the Bible.  It is his revelation to us.  Since the Bible is from God it is inerrant, infallible, and authoritative.  

The Bible must be accepted as authoritative and sufficient.  We must not place human reason, experience, or feelings above it.  We must take the Word of God over the word of man.  The scientific community, academia, and the media are also not authoritative.  The Bible provides us with the only basis for meaning, purpose, and ethics.  It gives us the Biblical worldview which makes sense of our world.  In the Bible we find out who God is and who we are.  

Christianity is the truth and all other religions and worldviews are false.  Only the Christian worldview provides the truth and reality.  Other worldviews and belief systems end up contradicting themselves.  Unbelievers must borrow from the Christian worldview in order to live their lives.  Only the Christian worldview is livable and non contradictory. 

God has revealed himself as three persons of one essence.  The Trinity consists of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.  God is the creator and judge.  He is sovereign, holy, and majestic.  God is also merciful and loving.  He is transcendent as well as immanent.  A sense of the holiness of God needs to be regained in our time.  God is not our chummy buddy as some seem to think.  He is holy and majestic deserving our utmost reverence and worship.  

We must know God in order to know ourselves. Man was created by God and made in his image. But man rebelled against God, sinning against him.  Humanity and the world in which we live became fallen.  We and our world are no longer the way we were created to be.  Because of sin death resulted, both physical and spiritual death.  Because of our sin we face God's wrath and deserve to go to hell.  But God loved us and sent his Son, Jesus to save his people from their sins.  Jesus lived a perfect life and died on the cross to pay for the sins of all who believe in him.  He was raised from the dead victorious over sin and death.  The resurrection proved he was God.  

Finally we must understand that God is sovereign over all things.  Everything that happens is under his control.  Nothing just happens there is no such thing as luck.  We must also realize that God is sovereign even in salvation.  People must respond with repentance and faith in Christ alone for salvation.  But repentance is granted by him and faith is a gift from him.  Salvation is totally by God's grace, not by our works.  We contribute nothing to it, salvation is totally the work of God.  God takes those who are dead in their sins and makes them alive. Once they are made alive they respond in repentance and faith in Christ alone for salvation.  Jesus is the only way to heaven. To God alone be the glory.       

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