Wednesday, March 4, 2015

America: Christian Or Secular?

Is America a Christian nation?  Some act as if all of the founders were devout Christians and others act as if they were all atheists.  The truth is that some of the founders were indeed committed Christians but others were not.  There was somewhat of a Biblical worldview in place at the time of the founding of America.  Even Deists like Jefferson and Franklin still had somewhat of a Biblical worldview.  

The American Revolution was not anti- Christian as was the French Revolution.   The French Revolution opposed Christianity and tradition.  It tried to enthrone human reason as king.  The French Revolution turned into a blood bath and a disaster.  The American Revolution produced a republic that became a great country.  

The American system of government was influenced by Biblical teaching.  The separation of powers and the system of checks and balances were influenced by the Biblical doctrine of the sinfulness of man.  The founders realized that men cannot be trusted with too much power.  They also set up a republic and not a democracy.  They saw that pure democracy could devolve into nothing more than mob rule.  

The United States of America could only have come out of the Biblical worldview.  Freedom requires form and the Biblical foundation provided it.  To remain free people have to be able to govern themselves.  There must be a restrained freedom.  There must be a recognition of truth and the rule of law.  The Biblical worldview provided the proper balance and held it all together.  

Unfortunately the Biblical foundation has been destroyed.  Our country no longer recognizes Biblical teaching as foundational.  Instead our modern nation rests on a foundation of secularism.  It is almost as if secular liberals want to follow in the steps of the French Revolution.  Our nation will not survive on a secular foundation.  Our country is falling apart and heading for disaster.  We must recover a Biblical foundation in America.  


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