Monday, March 30, 2015

Jesus Lives

You ask me how I know he lives, he lives inside my heart, the popular hymn tells us.  Although "He Lives" is well intentioned it actually gives us weak theology and a weak answer to the question of how we know Jesus lives.  

It presents Christianity as something that is just internal and feelings based, like a leap of faith.  In this regard it is much like the view of skeptics and atheists.  Christian belief is seen as not being reasonable or historically verifiable.  One is to believe in spite of evidence to the contrary.  A false dichotomy is set up between faith and reason.  

In reality Christianity is reasonable and historically verifiable.  It deals with external reality as well as internal reality. The Christian worldview is intellectually robust and satisfying.  

People learn theology from hymns and spiritual songs so they are important.  Weak theology produces weak Christians, a weak church, and a weak Christianity in the public square.  

So how do we know Jesus was raised from the dead?  We will look at how the Apostle Paul dealt with the question in (1 Corinthians 15).  

(1 Corinthians 15:3-4) "For I delivered to you as of first importance what I also received:  that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures" (ESV)

Paul starts with the testimony of Scripture as a reason for believing in the bodily resurrection of Christ.  At this time the Scriptures were the Old Testament.  Christ's death and resurrection fulfilled prophecy from the Bible.  Paul may have had in mind (Isaiah 53, Hosea 6:2, Psalm 16:10).  

Then in (1 Corinthians 15:5-9) Paul recounts  resurrection appearances of Christ.  The appearances were to Cephas (Peter), the 12 Apostles, more than 500 brothers (most still living), James, all the apostles, and last of all to Paul.  

If anyone doubted the resurrection of Christ he could ask over 500 witnesses who had seen the risen Lord.  The resurrection is a historically verifiable fact.  There were witnesses to the actual historical event.  

Ultimately we know the resurrection is true because the Bible tells us it is true.  God has revealed it to us in his Word.  The Bible is self authenticating.  The Bible is the inerrant, infallible, authoritative Word of God.  The Biblical worldview is consistent, non contradictory, livable, and it gives us reality.  No other worldview can measure up to this standard.  

So why is the resurrection of Christ so important?  If there is no resurrection there is no Christianity (1 Corinthians 15:17).  The resurrection proves that Jesus is the Son of God and that his substitutionary sacrifice was accepted by God the Father as payment for sin. 

Monday, March 23, 2015

Presbyterian Church (USA) Embraces Homosexual Marriage

The Presbyterian Church (USA) has officially endorsed homosexual marriage.  This comes as no surprise because the denomination has been on the wrong track for nearly a century.  The PCUSA has been captive to theological liberalism since the days when it removed J. Gresham Machen, the great defender of Biblical Christianity, from the denomination.  

The Presbyterian Church (USA) should no longer even be considered Christian.  There are still some true Christians in the denomination but the leadership and the denomination as a whole are not truly Christian.  

The Bible plainly says that homosexuality is a sin (Romans 1:18-32, 1 Corinthians 6:9-11, Leviticus 18:22).  But the PCUSA has rejected the authority of Scripture and elevated human reason and experience over it.  The rejection of the ultimate authority of the Bible is a rejection of the ultimate authority of God.  

The Presbyterian Church (USA) and other liberal Protestants have rejected Christianity and are regressing toward paganism.  As Machen said liberalism is not Christianity at all.  True Christians in the PCUSA should leave it.  Presbyterians should move to the Presbyterian Church In America.  The PCA is a conservative, Bible believing denomination.  

Even more troubling may be that some Evangelicals are embracing homosexuality.  Evangelicals are supposed to be the ones who hold to the authority of the Bible.  In Evangelicalism many have elevated their own experience over the Bible.  Our own experience and feelings cannot be trusted because they are tainted by sin.  The Bible is authoritative because it is from God.  

Will Evangelicalism go the way of theological liberalism?  Will it follow the culture into paganism?  Biblical Christians must stand strong for the truth of God's Word even if it means being unpopular with the surrounding culture.  

Monday, March 16, 2015

Is God Male Or Female?

In today's society referring to God as "he" is down right politically incorrect.  We sometimes hear God referred to as she or Mother/Father God.  There is also the worship of mother earth.  Goddess worship has even become popular in our increasingly pagan culture.  

But the God who is there has revealed himself to us in the Bible.  We must look to it as the inerrant, infallible, authoritative Word of God.  In the Bible there is one God in three persons, the Trinity (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit).  In the Bible God is the Father, not the mother.  He is the King and not the queen.  God is always he and not she. Old Testament Israel is pictured as his wife. 

Jesus is God the Son, not the daughter.  In the Incarnation God became man and not woman. Jesus is the God-man not the God-woman.  The Son is always he and not she.   In the New Testament the church is pictured as the bride of Christ.  God the Holy Spirit is always referred to as he and not she or it.  

The masculine language is not just symbolic because God the Father is actually father to God the Son.  We must point out that women are not inferior because God is male and not female.  Women are made in the image of God and have equal value to men.  Men and women are equal although they are not the same and have different roles.   We should also point out that Christianity has raised the status of women.  

The patriarchy taught by the Bible drives feminists insane, but the truth of the Bible must be accepted.   Our theology must be Biblical and not feminist.  Our views should not be conditioned by our culture.  Referring to God as she or mother is blasphemy and the worship of goddesses is just plain idolatry. The one, true God hates such things.   

Monday, March 9, 2015

When The Persecution Comes

Christians in many places around the world face severe persecution.  They face suffering, imprisonment, and even death for their testimony of Jesus and the Word of God.  Also the persecution of Christians has been common throughout history.  But in America there has been little real persecution of Christians.  The persecution faced by American Christians has been relatively minor.  It usually only consists of being ridiculed, made fun of, or being shunned by a group.  

But serious persecution of Christians may come to the United States.  It does seem to be heading in that direction.  Our culture keeps becoming more secular and more hostile to Christianity.  For example, if someone mentions that homosexuality is a sin he is severely criticized by the culture.  At some point this may be labeled as hate speech.  

Of course Christ and the cross is the biggest offense of all.  Unbelievers actually hate Christ and the truth.  He shines light into the darkness and exposes their evil deeds (John 3:19-21).  Jesus confronts people with the reality of their sinfulness and the fact that they are guilty before God.  People do not like being told that they are sinners in need of a savior.  

So if persecution comes what will become of Christianity in America?  Evangelicalism is said to be a mile wide and an inch deep.  The modern American church is shallow and does not have a deep understanding of the Bible.  The number of professing Christians will probably decrease dramatically.  Many professing Christians never were true Christians to begin with.  Some mega churches will no longer be mega.  If persecution comes being a Christian will become serious business (as it should be already).  It will no longer be like becoming a member of a country club.  People like Joel Osteen, Benny Hinn, and Mike Murdock will disappear from the scene.  The prosperity preachers will take the money and run.  But a remnant of true believers will remain faithful.  

Persecution will bring purity to the church though we should not seek persecution.  It is actually normal for Christians to be persecuted and hated by the world.  They hated Christ and they will hate his followers also (Luke 17:21, John 15:18-25).  We should pray that we will remain faithful when persecution comes.  We should count it as an honor to suffer for the name of Jesus (Acts 5:41, Matthew 5:10-12). 

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

America: Christian Or Secular?

Is America a Christian nation?  Some act as if all of the founders were devout Christians and others act as if they were all atheists.  The truth is that some of the founders were indeed committed Christians but others were not.  There was somewhat of a Biblical worldview in place at the time of the founding of America.  Even Deists like Jefferson and Franklin still had somewhat of a Biblical worldview.  

The American Revolution was not anti- Christian as was the French Revolution.   The French Revolution opposed Christianity and tradition.  It tried to enthrone human reason as king.  The French Revolution turned into a blood bath and a disaster.  The American Revolution produced a republic that became a great country.  

The American system of government was influenced by Biblical teaching.  The separation of powers and the system of checks and balances were influenced by the Biblical doctrine of the sinfulness of man.  The founders realized that men cannot be trusted with too much power.  They also set up a republic and not a democracy.  They saw that pure democracy could devolve into nothing more than mob rule.  

The United States of America could only have come out of the Biblical worldview.  Freedom requires form and the Biblical foundation provided it.  To remain free people have to be able to govern themselves.  There must be a restrained freedom.  There must be a recognition of truth and the rule of law.  The Biblical worldview provided the proper balance and held it all together.  

Unfortunately the Biblical foundation has been destroyed.  Our country no longer recognizes Biblical teaching as foundational.  Instead our modern nation rests on a foundation of secularism.  It is almost as if secular liberals want to follow in the steps of the French Revolution.  Our nation will not survive on a secular foundation.  Our country is falling apart and heading for disaster.  We must recover a Biblical foundation in America.