Monday, March 23, 2015

Presbyterian Church (USA) Embraces Homosexual Marriage

The Presbyterian Church (USA) has officially endorsed homosexual marriage.  This comes as no surprise because the denomination has been on the wrong track for nearly a century.  The PCUSA has been captive to theological liberalism since the days when it removed J. Gresham Machen, the great defender of Biblical Christianity, from the denomination.  

The Presbyterian Church (USA) should no longer even be considered Christian.  There are still some true Christians in the denomination but the leadership and the denomination as a whole are not truly Christian.  

The Bible plainly says that homosexuality is a sin (Romans 1:18-32, 1 Corinthians 6:9-11, Leviticus 18:22).  But the PCUSA has rejected the authority of Scripture and elevated human reason and experience over it.  The rejection of the ultimate authority of the Bible is a rejection of the ultimate authority of God.  

The Presbyterian Church (USA) and other liberal Protestants have rejected Christianity and are regressing toward paganism.  As Machen said liberalism is not Christianity at all.  True Christians in the PCUSA should leave it.  Presbyterians should move to the Presbyterian Church In America.  The PCA is a conservative, Bible believing denomination.  

Even more troubling may be that some Evangelicals are embracing homosexuality.  Evangelicals are supposed to be the ones who hold to the authority of the Bible.  In Evangelicalism many have elevated their own experience over the Bible.  Our own experience and feelings cannot be trusted because they are tainted by sin.  The Bible is authoritative because it is from God.  

Will Evangelicalism go the way of theological liberalism?  Will it follow the culture into paganism?  Biblical Christians must stand strong for the truth of God's Word even if it means being unpopular with the surrounding culture.  

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