Monday, March 16, 2015

Is God Male Or Female?

In today's society referring to God as "he" is down right politically incorrect.  We sometimes hear God referred to as she or Mother/Father God.  There is also the worship of mother earth.  Goddess worship has even become popular in our increasingly pagan culture.  

But the God who is there has revealed himself to us in the Bible.  We must look to it as the inerrant, infallible, authoritative Word of God.  In the Bible there is one God in three persons, the Trinity (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit).  In the Bible God is the Father, not the mother.  He is the King and not the queen.  God is always he and not she. Old Testament Israel is pictured as his wife. 

Jesus is God the Son, not the daughter.  In the Incarnation God became man and not woman. Jesus is the God-man not the God-woman.  The Son is always he and not she.   In the New Testament the church is pictured as the bride of Christ.  God the Holy Spirit is always referred to as he and not she or it.  

The masculine language is not just symbolic because God the Father is actually father to God the Son.  We must point out that women are not inferior because God is male and not female.  Women are made in the image of God and have equal value to men.  Men and women are equal although they are not the same and have different roles.   We should also point out that Christianity has raised the status of women.  

The patriarchy taught by the Bible drives feminists insane, but the truth of the Bible must be accepted.   Our theology must be Biblical and not feminist.  Our views should not be conditioned by our culture.  Referring to God as she or mother is blasphemy and the worship of goddesses is just plain idolatry. The one, true God hates such things.   

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