Tuesday, October 29, 2013

A Biblical View Of Marriage And Divorce

(A Look At Matthew 19:1-12)

(1-3) In this passage Jesus is in Judea beyond the Jordan, probably Perea.  There some Pharisees test him by asking him if it is okay for a man to divorce his wife for any reason.  There were two schools of thought on the matter of divorce.  There was the school of Shammai which believed divorce was only allowed for sexual immorality.  There was also the school of Hillel which thought that divorce should be allowed for basically any reason. 

(Matthew 19:4-6) "He answered, Have you not read that he who created them from the beginning made them male and female, and said, Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh?  So they are no longer two but one flesh.  What therefore God has joined together, let not man separate." (ESV)

(4-6) In his response Jesus quotes Genesis 1:27, 2:24.  Jesus speaks of it as the very words of God, affirming the Old Testament as the literal word of God.  In these verses he says God made them male and female.  This is an obvious rejection of homosexual marriage.  A man is to leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife.  The two become one, including sexually and they now form one unit.  They now form a new family and the marriage relationship becomes the most important human relationship.  A husband and wife are to put one another above all others.  In these verses Jesus shows that God's original intent was for marriage to be a life long bond without divorce. 

(7-9) Then the Pharisees ask Jesus why Moses allowed divorce (Deuteronomy 24:1).  Jesus tells them it was because of the hardness of their hearts.  He says that this was not so from the beginning, divorce was not the original intent by God.  Jesus then says that if a man divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality and marries another he commits adultery.  Jesus in this passage gives sexual immorality as the only exception allowing for divorce.  Sexual immorality includes all sex outside of marriage.  

(10-12) The disciples react to what Jesus has just said by saying it is better not marry.  Jesus says that remaining unmarried is not for everyone.  It is only for eunuchs, those unable to have sexual relations and those living a voluntary life of celibacy.  The disciples overreacted in their response but they did grasp how serious marriage really is.  

We can see from this passage that marriage is serious business.  It is intended to be a life long bond.  It is a life long commitment to each other and to God.  In Matthew 19, sexual immorality is given as the only reason for divorce.  There is one other Biblical exception, that being desertion (1 Corinthians 7:15).  This passage refers to an unbeliever who refuses to stay with a believer.  But even in cases of sexual immorality it is best to reconcile if at all possible.  

Divorce destroys families and is particularly devastating to children.  It tears apart what God has brought together.  We fell out of love or we just don't get along anymore, are not valid reasons for divorce.  People need to figure out what true love really is (1 Corinthians 13:4-7).  It is patient, kind, forgiving, and puts the other person above yourself.  Love is more than just a feeling.  People often talk of being "in love" but this is not sufficient grounds for sustaining a marriage.  Being in love is an emotional feeling that will not be sustained.  There will be times when your feelings for the other person are strong and other times when your feelings are not as strong.  Love does involve the emotions but it is also a decision a person makes.  True love involves commitment through good times and bad times.  Jesus instructed his followers to even love their enemies.  No person is going to have feelings of love for his enemies.  This shows that love is much more than feelings, it is a decision you make to be committed to the other person.  

So what about those who have already gotten divorced for illegitimate reasons and have remarried?  In this case the second marriage did start as adultery, but it is an actual marriage and does not continue to be adultery.  Those who are in this situation need to seek forgiveness for their past sins through Christ.  And they need to make their current marriage a life long bond.    

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

What About Global Warming?

We are told that global warming is a fact and it is caused by man.  We are told that it is a scientific consensus and anyone who disagrees is belittled and ridiculed.  Global warming is proclaimed as fact by academia, the news media, and the political class.  Earth is in the balance, the great prophet Al Gore has spoken, there will be no questioning. 

As recently as the 1970's we were being told to worry about global cooling.  We were warned of the coming ice age.  Then a short time later the very same people were warning us about global warming.  Now they have just decided to call it climate change.  You know you are in trouble when you have to keep changing the name of your movement.  In the last 15 years there has been no warming at all.  This has to be an irritating fact for the global warming advocates.  In fact much of the work done by global warming advocates has been brought into question.  Many of their "facts" may not have been facts after all. 

There is a political agenda associated with the global warming movement.  Many in the movement want government in control of everything.  Many of the leaders in the movement are actually socialists and communists.  This agenda is pushed by the United Nations as well.  Anything being pushed by the U.N. should raise a red flag.  They want to control people because government knows best.  To be able to enforce their agenda, a one world government would probably be necessary. 

There is a religious component to the movement as well.  Many in the movement worship the earth or creation and do not recognize the Creator himself.  The secularist, global warming advocates seem to think humans are in control of things and God is not.  Unfortunately some evangelicals have bought into the movement as well.  They have taken their focus off of the gospel and put it into this secular movement.

The global warming movement is based on a secular worldview and not a Christian worldview.  God is in control and humanity is not.  It is the height of arrogance to think that man can destroy the creation himself.  It is natural for the climate to change over periods of time.  Man has little if anything to do with the change in climate.  The proposed solutions by the global warming advocates will harm the economy and hurt the poor and needy.  The people pushing the global warming agenda should bring the whole thing into question. 

(Genesis 8:22) "While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, shall not cease."  (ESV)

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Truth Suppressors

Many people today deny the God of the Bible such as atheists, secularists, and those who hold to false religions.  But they do not lack evidence, that it is not the problem.  All people have knowledge of God or a sense of the divine.  The one true God is plainly revealed to all people. 

The Bible says people by their unrighteousness suppress the truth (Romans 1:18).  They do not want to face the reality of their sin and be held accountable by the God who is there.  God has plainly revealed himself in creation.  His invisible attributes, namely his eternal power and divine nature are clearly revealed in creation. Because of this people are without excuse (Romans 1:19-20).  They know God but do not honor him as God.  Therefore their thinking becomes futile and their foolish hearts are darkened.  Claiming to be wise they have become fools.  They have exchanged the truth about God for a lie.  (Romans 1:21-25). 

The real reason for atheism and secularism is suppression of the truth.  People have the knowledge of God.  We are all created in his image.  All people have a sense of right and wrong as well.  In order for right and wrong to exist, God must exist.  The creation itself testifies to the Creator.  A building must have a builder, a painting must have a painter, and creation must have a Creator.  The  reason for atheism is that people do not want to submit to God.  They want to do their own thing and be their own god.  They do not want to be confronted with the reality of their sin which brings about judgment from God. 

It is not only atheists who suppress the truth but also those who hold to false religions.  Christianity is the one true religion therefore all other religions are false.  Religions such as Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, and Buddhism all distort and twist the truth about God. Groups like the Mormons and the Jehovah's Witnesses also pervert the truth about God.  They have suppressed the truth and created a false god or gods for themselves.  They have exchanged the truth about God for a lie.  They refuse to recognize the one true, triune God of the Bible (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit).   

Monday, October 7, 2013

Here In Babylon

America has become a godless society in recent times.  Around 90 percent of the people say they believe in God, but most do not believe in the God of the Bible.  Many of those claiming to be Christians are really not.  They do not truly follow Jesus.  In modern America the one true God is not honored.  Everyone does what is right in his own eyes (Judges 21:25). 

Almost everywhere you turn our society is godless or pagan.  An easy place to see this is in the pop culture.  Television, movies, and music offer a flood of debauchery.  Immorality, profanity, graphic violence, and blasphemy are glorified and seen as normal.  The pop culture has a great influence on our society and it is often for the worst. 

Also our education system generally presents a godless perspective.  Secularism or atheism is basically assumed there.  Things like evolution, and moral relativism are taught in our schools.  Our young people are taught that they were not created by God and that there is no absolute truth.  Not surprisingly many young people live a godless lifestyle.  They are only concerned about the party scene where drunkenness and immorality abound. 

Our political system seems to promote all the wrong things.  Abortion, homosexual marriage, and government dependence are all pushed by our government.  These lead to a lack of respect for life, the destruction of the family, and a lack of personal responsibility.  Government is seen as the answer to all our problems and it becomes a false god.  Freedom of religion and freedom of speech seem to be becoming more restricted as well.  The news media supports secular liberal views and has an extreme bias against conservative Christians.  The political system and the news media work together to help shape a godless society. 

But America will be judged by God for it's sinfulness and rebellion against him.  So is it too late for America?  Maybe it is, I am not optimistic about it.  But it is possible that God could still reform the church and bring about a great revival.  Christians must teach and proclaim the truth of the Bible.  We must regain our confidence in the Bible as sufficient, the literal Word of God.