Monday, October 7, 2013

Here In Babylon

America has become a godless society in recent times.  Around 90 percent of the people say they believe in God, but most do not believe in the God of the Bible.  Many of those claiming to be Christians are really not.  They do not truly follow Jesus.  In modern America the one true God is not honored.  Everyone does what is right in his own eyes (Judges 21:25). 

Almost everywhere you turn our society is godless or pagan.  An easy place to see this is in the pop culture.  Television, movies, and music offer a flood of debauchery.  Immorality, profanity, graphic violence, and blasphemy are glorified and seen as normal.  The pop culture has a great influence on our society and it is often for the worst. 

Also our education system generally presents a godless perspective.  Secularism or atheism is basically assumed there.  Things like evolution, and moral relativism are taught in our schools.  Our young people are taught that they were not created by God and that there is no absolute truth.  Not surprisingly many young people live a godless lifestyle.  They are only concerned about the party scene where drunkenness and immorality abound. 

Our political system seems to promote all the wrong things.  Abortion, homosexual marriage, and government dependence are all pushed by our government.  These lead to a lack of respect for life, the destruction of the family, and a lack of personal responsibility.  Government is seen as the answer to all our problems and it becomes a false god.  Freedom of religion and freedom of speech seem to be becoming more restricted as well.  The news media supports secular liberal views and has an extreme bias against conservative Christians.  The political system and the news media work together to help shape a godless society. 

But America will be judged by God for it's sinfulness and rebellion against him.  So is it too late for America?  Maybe it is, I am not optimistic about it.  But it is possible that God could still reform the church and bring about a great revival.  Christians must teach and proclaim the truth of the Bible.  We must regain our confidence in the Bible as sufficient, the literal Word of God. 

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