Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Truth Suppressors

Many people today deny the God of the Bible such as atheists, secularists, and those who hold to false religions.  But they do not lack evidence, that it is not the problem.  All people have knowledge of God or a sense of the divine.  The one true God is plainly revealed to all people. 

The Bible says people by their unrighteousness suppress the truth (Romans 1:18).  They do not want to face the reality of their sin and be held accountable by the God who is there.  God has plainly revealed himself in creation.  His invisible attributes, namely his eternal power and divine nature are clearly revealed in creation. Because of this people are without excuse (Romans 1:19-20).  They know God but do not honor him as God.  Therefore their thinking becomes futile and their foolish hearts are darkened.  Claiming to be wise they have become fools.  They have exchanged the truth about God for a lie.  (Romans 1:21-25). 

The real reason for atheism and secularism is suppression of the truth.  People have the knowledge of God.  We are all created in his image.  All people have a sense of right and wrong as well.  In order for right and wrong to exist, God must exist.  The creation itself testifies to the Creator.  A building must have a builder, a painting must have a painter, and creation must have a Creator.  The  reason for atheism is that people do not want to submit to God.  They want to do their own thing and be their own god.  They do not want to be confronted with the reality of their sin which brings about judgment from God. 

It is not only atheists who suppress the truth but also those who hold to false religions.  Christianity is the one true religion therefore all other religions are false.  Religions such as Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, and Buddhism all distort and twist the truth about God. Groups like the Mormons and the Jehovah's Witnesses also pervert the truth about God.  They have suppressed the truth and created a false god or gods for themselves.  They have exchanged the truth about God for a lie.  They refuse to recognize the one true, triune God of the Bible (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit).   

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