Tuesday, October 22, 2013

What About Global Warming?

We are told that global warming is a fact and it is caused by man.  We are told that it is a scientific consensus and anyone who disagrees is belittled and ridiculed.  Global warming is proclaimed as fact by academia, the news media, and the political class.  Earth is in the balance, the great prophet Al Gore has spoken, there will be no questioning. 

As recently as the 1970's we were being told to worry about global cooling.  We were warned of the coming ice age.  Then a short time later the very same people were warning us about global warming.  Now they have just decided to call it climate change.  You know you are in trouble when you have to keep changing the name of your movement.  In the last 15 years there has been no warming at all.  This has to be an irritating fact for the global warming advocates.  In fact much of the work done by global warming advocates has been brought into question.  Many of their "facts" may not have been facts after all. 

There is a political agenda associated with the global warming movement.  Many in the movement want government in control of everything.  Many of the leaders in the movement are actually socialists and communists.  This agenda is pushed by the United Nations as well.  Anything being pushed by the U.N. should raise a red flag.  They want to control people because government knows best.  To be able to enforce their agenda, a one world government would probably be necessary. 

There is a religious component to the movement as well.  Many in the movement worship the earth or creation and do not recognize the Creator himself.  The secularist, global warming advocates seem to think humans are in control of things and God is not.  Unfortunately some evangelicals have bought into the movement as well.  They have taken their focus off of the gospel and put it into this secular movement.

The global warming movement is based on a secular worldview and not a Christian worldview.  God is in control and humanity is not.  It is the height of arrogance to think that man can destroy the creation himself.  It is natural for the climate to change over periods of time.  Man has little if anything to do with the change in climate.  The proposed solutions by the global warming advocates will harm the economy and hurt the poor and needy.  The people pushing the global warming agenda should bring the whole thing into question. 

(Genesis 8:22) "While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, shall not cease."  (ESV)

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