Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Lotteries, Gambling, And The Bible

Lotteries and other forms of gambling have become very popular in our modern society.  Gambling is now accepted by many as right and normal.  The majority of the states have lotteries and the trend is toward more legalized gambling.  Even many professing Christians play the lottery and gamble.  But is it really okay and right? 

Many try to justify gambling by saying we take gambles, risks, and chances elsewhere.  Insurance is sometimes given as an example.  But this misses the whole point.  Taking a risk or gamble is not necessarily wrong.  The real problems with gambling are the motives behind it and the troubles it can cause. 

(1 Timothy 6:10) "For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evils.  It is through this craving that some have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many pangs." (ESV)

Gambling involves the love of money which is a root of all kinds of evils.  Greed and coveting are two motives behind gambling.  But life is not about the abundance of possessions (Luke 12:15).  It involves selfishness and wanting what others have.  Instead we should all be content with what we have (Hebrews 13:5).  Greed and coveting are not proper for Christians (Ephesians 5:3).  Gambling involves a love of possessions and materialism.  Money and possessions become false idols in people's lives. 

Lotteries end up being a tax on the poor.  Many of those playing the lottery are those who would be considered poor, the very people who can least afford it.  Money is taken from them and given to others.  With gambling, in order for there to be a winner there must also be a loser and there are many losers. 

In a sense gambling is a form of theft.  But we are commanded by God not to steal (Exodus 20:15).  It takes away money from those who were foolish enough to gamble it away.  Crime and other vices are associated with gambling as well. 

Gambling can also be highly addictive.  It can ruin people financially.  It can also ruin lives and families.  Gambling also harms the work ethic of the people.  We are to work for our money (2 Thessalonians 3:10).  Gambling promotes the opposite encouraging people to try to get something for nothing.  People should earn their money and use it wisely. 

Gambling promotes the opposite of the teaching of Jesus.  We are to love God (Matthew 22:37), gambling encourages love of money and possessions instead.  We are to love our neighbor as our self (Matthew 22:39), but gambling promotes taking advantage of others.  It violates the golden rule as well (Luke 6:31).

In conclusion gambling is harmful and wrong.  It causes many problems and encourages selfishness, greed, and idolatry.  People and especially Christians should not gamble. 

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