Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Why Do They Hate Jesus?

People hating Jesus may sound shocking but it is reality.  All people who are spiritually dead and still in their sins actually hate him.  It includes not only Satanists and atheists but all non Christians as well.  When I say they hate Jesus I mean the real Jesus, the one of the Bible, not their own personal Jesus they have made up.  Some who claim to believe in Jesus are false Christians.

(John 3:19) "And this is the judgment:  the light has come into the world, and people loved the darkness rather than the light because their works were evil."  (ESV)

People desire to be comfortable in their sins.  They want to remain in the darkness.  But Jesus shines light into the darkness exposing their evil deeds.  He confronts them with their sinfulness and guilt before God.  He makes them face the reality that they face the wrath and judgment of God (John 3:36).  The world hates Jesus and his followers as well.  If they hate the Son they hate the Father as well (John 15:18-25).  Christians should not be surprised when they face persecution in this world. 

This hatred of Jesus can be seen when people use his name as a curse word.  It is common in movies and in much pagan conversation.  Have you ever wondered why they use the name of Jesus as a curse word but not the name of Mohammad, Buddha, or Joseph Smith?  The others are nothing more than false prophets.  Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God (John 20:31).  He makes people face truth and reality and those dead in their sins hate him for it.  This is also why the mention of the name Jesus in a reverent way causes many to be uncomfortable.  It is why many do not want his name mentioned in the public square. 

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