Tuesday, November 12, 2013

The Socialists At Work

The socialistic program known as Obamacare has been rolled out.  The roll out has been a disaster.  The Obama administration has had three years to get ready for it and they still could not get the website ready. 

If the government cannot even get the website ready, how are they going to run the health care system?  This shows the ineptitude of government trying to do things it has no business doing.  The future of health care looks very frightening. 

Also a funny thing happened on the way to implementation.  It seems many people may not be able to keep their current health care plan.  This after they were promised by President Obama that they could keep their plan if they wanted to.  It also seems that Obamacare may discourage marriage because in some cases it is more affordable for people who are not married.  If you destroy marriage, you destroy the family, and if you destroy the family you destroy society. 

Socialism does not work and it never will.  It does not help the poor as it pretends to, but enriches those who are in power.  As U2 singer Bono has said capitalism has lifted more people out of poverty than any government aid ever will.  It has been said that capitalism is the unequal distribution of wealth and socialism is the equal distribution of poverty.  The government should defend the country, maintain order in society, promote justice, and then leave us alone. 

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